18| Little Twitch

615 98 37

"Yenaery! Come and join me!"

Just a while ago, Eris dragged me outside to fill our lungs with fresh air. To loosen up some nerves as what she said, she's too excited she keeps bugging me to join her picking-flowers spree.

Sitting in a swing hanged at a sturdy branch of an old maple tree, I just watched her doing her own stuff. I didn't join her because a flower isn't supposed to be picked. I can't understand why everyone is picking it—what's their purpose? It maybe pleasing and alluring in anyone's eyes but I think it's better to leave it until its glorious beauty fades out and wither in nature's way. There's no sense picking it up it'll only spoil its beauty in a short period of time. Why should waste it instead of letting it sway with its stalk and bloom dancing to its fullest glory?

What's with me lately? I shouldn't be bothered even if flowers are taken along with its roots. I don't know why but there are lot of changes I started to concern myself with things I didn't care before.

"Yenaery, stop zoning out, come over here!" Her cheery, mellifluous voice sweeps off my long train of thoughts.

"I'm fine, don't mind me." Building a momentum, I kicked my legs to swing forward. I won't trade my little source of fun over shearing stems of flowers under a blazing sun.

She made a face seeing I'm doing my own stuff as well. She's so childish I'm still at awe seeing all her funny antics.

We've been together since that day she introduced herself and till now I didn't bother to ask her whereabouts. Come to think of it, where did she came from? I guess, I should ask. "Eris, where are you from?"

She paused, she's obviously distracted cutting off some peonies. I wouldn't have notice had she didn't halt for a while. Her flaxen and wide fashionable hat covers almost half of her face I didn't able to see what's bothering her. She looks like a lovely fairy in her lavender gossamery gown amidst a kaleidoscopic rich garden of flowers.

She heaves out. "It's too far from here. It isn't worth asking wherever it is." Lifting her gaze through her wide-brimmed hat, she's obviously bothered why I asked.

Though she's bubbly and extremely dramatic, she's too lenient she knows when to keep her mouth shut.

It's been two summers, having her around becomes a constant part of my life. I appreciate her patience and efforts during our daily music sessions. I learned a lot at any aspects, could be rubbish or informative—she seems knowledgeable for her age.

As far as I see it, we are poles apart. She's loud and quirky while I'm still dull and lousy. I can't admit it but it warms my heart every time she teased and made fun with me. I can't recall when did it start but every moments we shared together, I'm certain we fostered a sweet camaraderie.

"How long have you been here? I mean, when I meet you I noticed you're already quite acquainted here more than I."

Day by day, I realized I started to become nosy or maybe because I'm comfortable being with her. I can't help it but several questions arise. I just want to know more about her. There are things I wanted to ask as my trust keeps growing.

I wanted to know how she met that lunatic man and why she end up here and stuck with me as well.

I know there is always reason why things had been put into place. Some things aren't mushrooms that just sprung up along the way.

Waiting her response, I didn't leave my eyes on her when she became stiffer. "How long have you been here?" Asking again, this time it's clearer—she looks like I've been hitting a nerve every time I ask.

She darted her eyes on me right away. "Why do you want to know?" Her perfect brows crinkled. There's a sharp bite in her voice. Her cheery and friendly countenance is nowhere to be seen. She's completely bothered.

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