20| Market Square

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"Are you serious?"

Rolling my eyes, it's quite satisfying to do it lately. "Eris, how many times do I have to tell you?"

Eris had been asking me nonstop. I'm clueless what she's talking about. With her exaggerated narrative, she keeps insisting about how I behave strangely.

"You mean, you didn't remember what had made you freaked like that?"

Staring outside, I wish she stops and shut her mouth for a moment. Her high-pitched voice keeps clanging on my ears. "I've been telling you I didn't know."

Trying to get my attention, she nudged my arm when I stared out again. "You've finally lost it. I mean, you're always calm but hell came out in that morning-you screamed! And cried... And tears were all over your face, I swear!" She raised her hand as if it could help to make me see her point. "You cried a lot and then suddenly, you passed out." She's really into it, trying to elaborate everything in an animated way.

Again, I couldn't stop my eyes rolling upward. "That's impossible, Eris. I guess you're just dreaming. Last time I remember, we were fighting over my dress."

She frowned.

Aside from occasional crack of a whip and of horse's hooves clip-clopping, we're both fell into silence. We're heading to the market square today since we didn't able to go last time. According to Eris, I turned into freak at that day.

I don't believe her. Every single word she said sounds absurd. Granting, I may have done something strange and become a freak but why would I do it?

Trying to recall it over and over, running away from her after I snatched my dress is the last thing I remember. That's all.

She had a point though. She might be telling the truth. Actually, I find it strange when I woke up this morning. I've been sleeping but she insisted I passed out. She said I've been unconscious for almost two days which is totally impossible. Everything was planned for us to go out on that day, why would I sleep?

"You're running hysterically like there's a demon chasing you. You screamed like a freaking banshee. You shrilled all over the manor!"

"Banshee..?" Rolling my eyes once again, she's exaggerating she's not helping at all. "What a word."

"Com 'on, I'm telling you the truth! That's what you were, screaming all over the place. It made my nerves snapped out!" Trying to enact how I screamed that day, she's really good at it. She seems not lying. There's still a glimmer of terror in her eyes I don't think of it as a ploy.

But still, no way. How could I scream? I can't even cry and drop a single tear. "No, I didn't do that. I won't buy your tricks, Eris."

She heaved a desperate sigh. "Believe me—I'm not fooling you. It scares me enough you have no recollections about what had happened to you at that day."

"Who knows, this might be one of your tricks."

"Then why did you passed out? At least you're aware of that. You didn't wake up for almost two days!"

I shrugged my shoulder. "Maybe—maybe I'm tired?"

"You're tired? That's ridiculous!" She snorted bitchily. "See? You can't even explain yourself."

She's right. But what should I explain? I really have no idea.

The horse-drawn carriage had halted. Waiting the coachman to unlatch the door, I want to jump out as soon as possible. I could feel my ears ringing at Eris' endless huffs.

"While you're asleep, Amerton told me, you've done it twice. During your first day at the manor, you run crazily like there's a demon chasing you-same scenario."

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