43| Heaven Knows

375 62 300

I couldn't be wrong...

Roaming my eyes at a freshwater marsh which is dominated by dense cattails and reeds, as far as my eyes could reach, this open grassland may appear different yet I felt a sense of familiarity—this place is the Calrassus Manor.

A puffy mass of cumulus clouds at northeast sky is expanding more and more as if its shrouding something in my sight, or I might say it's teaming up to hide an eldritch mountains I used to gaze at. But I couldn't be wrong, I know how to find place and knew where it was.

Field of lavenders is a remarkable landmark to recall, it's just one hour away from this marsh. And after getting myself out from the barren land, I found no other crossroads to choose. I traced my way thrice but I always end up being welcomed by these rich arrays of swaying grass.

Reaching a stem of cattail, its cottony fluff head disintegrates as I tried to verify if it wasn't just a fig of illusion. Its seeds dispersed in the wind when I blow out a sigh. Everything is real as leaves swayed and rasping each other, a squeaking amphibian when its eggs swallowed by a trout, and yellow-headed birds that's been guarding on their nest—everything is real yet I know it isn't.

I'm getting it and it's such a waste, it takes a lot of time and effort before I figured it out. I don't want to fool myself going back and forth again. But what should I expect? Lord Ronin despised me, I should have known better than rushing over here expecting someone to greet me with open arms.

But can't I have a one more chance? I won't stay long. I'll leave once I find Eris—once I find her alive and safe. I won't mind and I understand if my presence is no longer welcomed. I won't insist even if there's a sharp splint pricking in my heart. I won't resent even if things I started to hold dear is being kept and obscured from my sight.

I almost expected a sudden change of scene from this grassy wetland back to its preexisted scenery where that serene lake used to be. But it didn't happened and nothing had changed...

I guess, I'll try and come again. I may have my chance some other time.

The white horse seemed aware sensing our trip becomes fruitless. "You came out from nowhere and I'm grateful for having you..." It sighs and stared at me sideways taking its time siphoning at the shallow marsh. Though, it's frustrating, I'm relieved having its presence around me. It's unexpected and a bit of strange seeing it galloping towards me. It's like a blessing from heavens and it completely threw my doubts away.

There's no time left letting myself melt down and frustrated. I should at least make both of us settled until every last ray of light fades out. "Please don't stray anywhere, I'll be back."

Sprinting towards south with forested landscape, I'm hoping I can find something to fill my grumbling stomach as well as my accommodating equine companion. I couldn't let it starve when it chose not to leave and seemed decided to stay on my side...

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"C—can't you do something about it?" Eris has been fidgeting from holding back herself. She wanted to drift nearer at Yenaery as what she used to do but she couldn't. "Please help her..."

"How moving..." Lord Ronin teased her with a lazy grin. "If I hadn't known, I would have been impressed."

She flinched from his stinging remarks. He's rubbing a handful of salt over her swollen wounds. He's having a blast upon throwing all her schemes back to her face. It's futile to prove how much she cares it only made her feel nauseated.

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