52| Safe Haven

403 37 154

"Soon?" Whatever he said is totally absurd I might laugh my heart out if things happen from different circumstances. "What are you talking about?"

Lord Ronin draws out a heavy, desperate sigh I'm starting to get frustrated what's keeping him from telling me the truth. As time keeps passing, my patience letting him prove his point is wearing thin I don't think I could wait any longer. How many people have I healed and saved if he just let me do my thing? Seeing him still hesitant—that's it, I won't let him waste my time. Though he's still holding my wrist it didn't stop me exalting my healing fire once again.

"What are you doing?" His eyes suddenly flashed with intense light I don't think I could look longer without burning my eyes. "I told you don't do it!" His voice roared like a monstrous wave it makes me shiver and remember his words aren't supposed to be ignored. He's not letting go of my arms his hands are gripping like a vise.

He easily extinguished my healing fire. My weakness makes me despised myself. It's disgusting I'll always be inferior against him.

Until when are you going to let yourself weak and spineless? That taunting words are ringing in my ears I swear I heard it clearly. It rouses my will to fight back and resist being acquiescent as what I've always been my whole life. "Why don't you want me to heal them?" Fighting back, I'm quite certain he wasn't amused by it but who cares? "Please unhand me! There are lots of lives I need to save!"

"Be still," he utters in his gentlest voice. "Rest your worries for a while. If you noticed, the time has momentarily stopped," prodding me to look around, his obliging approach is unexpected. "As you see, I'm giving you enough time to decide."

He's not leading me on though everyone was already crippled and out of breathe I could hardly tell if indeed time freezes. However it doesn't change anything that time is crucial I could only save them one at a time. "I need to save them. Just let me go!" I expected him to roast me like what he usually does whoever goes against him. But he lowered his gaze and looked heavily at my strained wrists.

"I'm sorry..." He gently rubs both of his thumbs it soothes my heated arms. "I'm just trying to evade an inevitable. I wanted to protect you..." trying to appear calm, with a low strained voice, he's more disturbed than crashing waves. "I want to protect you from someone who's going to possess you."

"Who wants to possess me?" Getting frustrated, my voice raises a pitch higher than I usually do. "Why would it want to possess me?" It's upsetting when we're just pacing around without resolving anything so both of us can move on. "Why don't you let me decide for myself if I'd let someone to possess me?"

"By using your healing fire, you're opening a door for him to come out and easily consume you." Eyes never lie—there's a storm of helplessness, unease—an anguish I don't expect a deity like him could ever feel. Why he's letting me see all of it?

If it's indeed true, I should be scared knowing something evil is going to possess me soon but I don't want to take it without having enough proof supporting his inconceivable claim. It's ridiculous why of all people—why does fate purposely choose me? "Why do you have to concern yourself about it?"

"I don't want you to get hurt."

I don't want to delude myself that somehow he deeply cares as if he will do anything within his power to protect me. It's far-fetched I shouldn't raise any hope from dreams flattering myself. But if someone sees inside my heart—they'll probably see it like a field of blooming wildflowers swaying as air blows and passes by. "If someone's going to consumes me soon—I'm quite sure you can easily crush it from a single snap of your fingers. With your immense power, it's not a difficult thing to do—you can squash it down anytime you want."

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