55| Heart's Desire

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"Do you need any help?"

"I'm fine, Nesreen." I'm still at awe seeing her bouncing and skittishly full of life as if she didn't get stabbed straight in her chest few nights ago. An image of her lying flat and ashen, I can never forgive myself if I lose another person I started to hold dear. "I can manage, thank you."

"Are you sure?" Pouting her lips, she briskly dashed straight to my bathroom proving how persistent she can be. "You know exactly what I'm good at. I can brush your hair a hundred times 'till it shined like silk."

Amused, I couldn't help but smile at her chronic nosiness I once disliked. "I'll be fine—really," taking a fluffy bathrobe and some toiletries, I'm wondering why she's getting more overly assistive these days. "You can take your rest. You don't have to keep treating me like a babe. Just take your evening bath and enjoy your night."

Hunching her shoulder, she stares downward. "Are you still mad at me? I know I can be annoying sometimes. I just really want to take care of you. I don't know why but strangely—I think I owe you something. . . something big it's hard to tell whatever it is. It feels like I owe you my whole life—

"You're imagining things," pulling her hand gently to step out from my bathroom, I'm grateful she didn't have any recollections of that tragic night. After I healed her and other severely injured passengers, Lord Ronin erased all their terrible memories at that night. I'm beyond amazed how I healed them all without repercussions. My healing fire seems miraculously became more potent, much effective and lasted longer than I expected. I still hadn't properly told him how grateful I am from his great benevolence at that night of dread and unsightly scenes. "Now, just go and get yourself a good scrub."

"Are you hiding something?" Narrowing her black cat-like eyes, she pulled her arm and stubbornly hid it at her back. "Something is quite strange—" With her ever inquisitive eyes, Nesreen suspiciously stares at me as if I'm hiding something preposterous.

"I'm not hiding anything."

"Do you have a secret lover?"

"Lov—a what?" Heaving a deep sigh of relief knowing she got it all wrong, I'm at faze hearing her ridiculous hunch as well. "Why would you say that?"

Brazenly, she giggled as if her whole body got tickled. "Recently, the ships's crew has taken good care of you—for us. I've heard them gossiping about you since we boarded."

Baffled, I couldn't think enough what in heavens did she blabs all about. "Gossiping about me? About what?"

"They said someone important is on board and kind of. . ." In her hushed voice, she's giggling even more. "There's a wealthy lord who seems infatuated at you—yeah, that explains! I got it!" Striking her hand, she's too proud thinking how smart she is at something hidden she thought she uncovered. "That explains why both of us suddenly had a comfortable cabin, delicious food I never ever tasted and this—" perusing over her pretty floral dress, she really thought she had hit something big. "With those boxes filled with dresses and jewelries, there's no doubt they are telling the truth. He keeps showering you with wonderful gifts I can't stop wondering who he is."

I know who he is. As surge of warmth rapidly swarmed my whole face, countless butterflies are fluttering within I had to turn back otherwise Nesreen will see how thrilled I am at this moment. Lord Ronin might been physically absent but he's too assertive it makes his significant presence difficult to ignore. "Did anyone saw him?"

"Nope, no one had ever saw him. They didn't saw him even once. I heard them said it's quite shady when nobody is allowed to enter his cabin."

"That's quite strange," biting my lips, my crazy heart rampaging like a wild horse. I'm witless how to tame and stop it from thumping. As day passes since I refused him, a shard of regret starts to wedge in. As time goes with ceaseless yearn, I keep wondering when will I ever see him.

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