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I'm wide awake...

The dark abyss was completely destroyed and million beams of lights had burst and seized the reign of darkness. The blazing rays of lights seemed to seeped through and breach the wall of force between light and dark.

The illusion of galactic black mirror was shattered into shards. Its crashing sound was like a booming violent smash that breaks the glass into pieces. It's such a beautiful sound amidst the deafening silence. It sounds so wonderful and induces sweet music to my ears.

The blazing lights turned every fragment into vivid colors of rainbow. The opalescent arrays vary and scintillate every time the beams of light refracts and dispersed through it.

Blinded by the million sparkling lights, it seems to wake me up.

As the brightness ruled and shined the whole world around me, I came back to life as well. I breathe hardly and greedily as I retrieved the last breath that was taken away from me.

I coughed spasmodically.

My lungs and airways finally had their fill and enough supply of refreshing air. I felt renewed and invigorated as I savor and inhaled the subtle flow of air. I've never been so grateful that once again, I'd finally able to breathe.

My heart was pounding loudly as I felt it beat erratically in my chest. I've never felt so alive and filled with gratitude that at last I was granted for the second chance of life.

I looked up at the cotton blue sky, I can never be thankful of whoever they are. But I can't help myself to believe that somebody out there might have pulled up some strings just to keep me stay alive. I'll forever be indebted.

...And of course, Eris.

I can't wait to see her again!

If she didn't wake me up...

If not of her nagging voice...

I'll probably be good as dead. I know that the illusion in my dreams was the boundary of my fate and chances. It's the borderline wherein I choose between life and death. It brought me with two options whether if I dwell in there forever or find my way back.

Without her, I can never find my innate sense.

I can feel my lips twitched. I can't almost believe it, but I think I really smiled.

I can't help it. I can't hold it back, this delightful feeling that consumed my heart. I can't believe it's easier than what I used to think. But nothing can stop me now if I want to express myself because I've finally crushed my shell and defeated that wretched melancholic part of me.

I wish I could see the way I smile. I can't wait to show my sweetest smile to Eris. She's been waiting and wishing for me to show it. I wanted to show her that I've finally made myself to break out.

That finally, I'm healed..

My whole body felt so light that made me want to romp and prance to express my great joy and exuberance. My bruises and injuries were already gone and I felt rejuvenated. I realize that there may be a lot of reasons why people can't hide their smile, mostly because of pleasant emotions that roused and riffling inside their hearts.

But the smile in my lips had dwindled when my eyes started to look around.

I'm still in the middle of the barren land.

Then, flashes of torturous and agonizing ordeals emerged in my mind. And there's a part of me that earnestly wished that whatever transpired in this place was just a part of my dream.

But it wasn't...

I saw some blown heaps of ashes in the ground.

I stood up and take a closer look. The powdery residue was constantly blown and carried away by the air. I'm certain these are the remains of the burning bodies of those thugs.

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