5| Beyond Sorcery

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"Good morning, ladies..."

Lady Hanaya was startled when a tall and ghostly figure suddenly appeared amidst our conversation.

He came from nowhere like an apparition, like a ghost which can easily pass through wall to wall.

It seems deliberate when he chose to stand against the light. It was impossible to scrutinize his facial features even when I tried to use my skill. Either he doesn't want to reveal his face or maybe I didn't fully regain my sight yet.

His long silver hair is gleaming. His long white garb seems flowing and glowing that I could hardly tell if it's just a product of my illusion. A strange air that emanates from him somehow feels extremely ominous which I never encountered before.

Lady Hanaya instinctively came close to me, she felt threatened.

I'm certain he's having fun from this situation when I heard him smirk. He seemed delighted seeing he instilled fear and threat to people considering Lady Hanaya's obvious reaction.

His domineering presence makes this dungeon too small and suffocating as air suddenly felt warm and dense.

He exudes an out of this world demeanor in which a common individual like me shouldn't supposed to encounter. There's just something uncanny about him that I couldn't able to point out.

Lady Hanaya trembled. She ensconced me behind her back. "Who—who are you?" She tried to appear undaunted but she failed terribly.

"Forgive my lack of modesty. I should've introduced myself first. I didn't mean to startle such a lovely lady like you." His voice was calm and smooth. It was low and—I don't know what it is. His words are polite and well-disposed yet it doesn't look like it. "Well, I'll let you know my name no one dared to ask—" He chuckled. "It's Ronin. So, what's yours?"

"Why I'm being—being taken here?" Lady Hanaya found her courage a little. She tried not to stutter but she failed again.

"You're quite a beauty. They didn't lie about you, I may say."

"D—do you hear me?" She stammered even more. "Why I'm here? What do you want?"

"Oh, it's nice of you to ask what I want—I'm flattered."

He has this audacity to act as if he's genuinely grateful. Even I didn't see his face, I can tell he's pretending.

"Why I'm here!" She finally stops stuttering.

"You shouldn't ask if I were you." He stated playfully. "Who said ladies must keep their rage at a bay?" He tucked his hands behind him as he tilted his head. "You seemed feisty, I commend you on that."

"No one needs your flattery! What I need is an explanation why I'm being taken and locked up here! I've been asking you many times but you won't listen!"

He chuckled. "I've told you, you shouldn't ask if I were you."

I'm certain this man is lunatic.

His insolence seems polished and smoothened to its finest. If it's being graded—it probably exceeds beyond excellence. Anyone who's venerable enough with virtue of good judgment will never win against him. His way of approach is a false impression of good humor but it's threatening and satiric as it rolled into one.

He appeared harmless but I know he's crooked in many sense. It's difficult to intercept what are his next advances.

Lady Hanaya tried to calm down. "Alright, I will cooperate whatever your reasons why I'm being detained here. But let her leave out of this."

"And what would I gain in return?"

Mirth is audibly laced in his voice.

Lady Hanaya flared up once again, I know she couldn't stand and keep calm against him.

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