3| Golden Chance

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What wakes me up?

Staring at a flourishing branch of an orchid tree hovering over me, I'm oblivious as flow of another boring day goes by.

I always dreamed time stops so I could stay here forever. I always wished spring season stays as it is and hoped winter never comes. This hilltop changed my hopeless perceptions in life. As much as I wanted to end my life countless times, somehow, I felt at peace. I believe everyone has their own paradise—their own solace to heal, to keep going and leave everything behind.

Offering its serene ambient, this place temporarily gave me a reason to live a little longer until I wilt and turn to dust.

Till now I've always wanted to just end everything but there's a part of me that didn't want to leave yet. Maybe someday, there'll be someone who can fulfill my long-time wish—

There's a loud boom after a lightning bolt strikes nearby.

At a sudden burst of thunder, I don't think I've got considerable time of sleep now that it's time for me to return back to my room. Aside from Nesreen's untimely presence way up here, I guess I won't be able to get a good nap anymore. The weather seems in foul mood. It's getting gloomy as thick mass of dark clouds looming above, concealing a blazing sun that brightened everything just a while ago.

It's strange.

Languidly, I forced myself up when there's another flash of lightning brutally streaks across the sky. It left me wondering why does rain suddenly coming. Or maybe I had a good nap it left me unaware at sudden change of weather.

Taking a glance at the feast, something is going on and I always felt there's something ominous whenever rain starts to fall.

Adjusting my sight when the view down there becomes blurry, I can't believe seeing something uncanny. Nobody moved—as in no one. Trying to squint to get a clearer view, apparently I didn't see any single movement as if time dangled around them.

As heavy rain starts to pour, lightnings fiercely strikes everywhere along with booming thunder that seemingly aims to aggravate the sky.

While my poor skill starts to reverberate, there's a series of movements heading towards the back courtyard of the manor. Squinting my eyes, there are three unrecognizable masked men and one of them carrying Lady Hanaya on his shoulder like a sack of grains. Their movements are too sleek as if they're trained for years. They're all dressed in black garb I swear I haven't seen such likes of them. I can't stop my eyes keep following but not that I care why they're taking Lady Hanaya away. It's just that everything is out of my day to day routine and I didn't have enough time to grasp what's happening thereon.

Pondering, I shouldn't care and just let them go. There's nothing I can do at all and I have no plans to engage myself whatever schemes they have.

But there's a sudden urge within me to go after them to understand things deeper—to explore this unexplainable rush why I'm letting myself get involved.

As my heart races, looking at them entices me to do something out from my usual way of living. I've never felt this before. My life is always boring and uneventful. But right at this moment, I can't ignore this irresistible rush as my blood sizzles. It's such a sudden impulse. There's a part of me urging me to run and find it out because I wouldn't be able to know anything unless I check it out.

This might be an opportunity I've been waiting for. Those men looked dangerous they probably won't hesitate to slice my head off—such idea makes me want to jump right out there.

Without any lingering doubts, I decided to act on impulse, afterall I didn't know how fear feels like anymore so at least I'm giving myself a try.

Wishing to sprint as fast like a flash, heavy rain hindered my pace slower than it should. Reaching the feast seemingly takes a little longer than I expected. How I wish I possess an ability transporting myself down there in seconds.

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