Fabulous February

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Dedicated to: xchaoticthoughtsx


Aaruj's POV

Valentine's day.

These two words are enough to make or break a relationship.

And in our case they will always make our relationship no matter what happens.

Atleast that's what i thought when i woke up today.

I thought if i agreed to whatever Nia said we do on this day it will turn out to be one of those most memorable Valentine's we are yet to celebrate in the future.

But i was wrong.

I should have known this was gonna go haywire when i heard the name of that darn movie.

We even bunked college for it.

We were going to miss the Fabulous February event finale too that was held in our college. They were going to crown Mister And Miss February today.

Royal academy had an old tradition where they celebrated selective days of February. Only the decent ones though. As the remaining ones could have brought so many scandals, drama and bad publicity to college.

So on chocolate day, couples competed against each other to make big castles of chocolates.

On rose day, they collected maximum roses to be a winner.

But the students being students always managed to go overboard while celebrating these two days resulting into lots and lots of teenage drama.

Just like this one story i heard from the senior in my cricket team:

Last year some boyfriend gave fifteen hundred roses to his girl and they were about to be crowned the winner. However girlfriend number one showed up during the event. The guy had turned more red than the roses altogether due to the public embarrassment.

So rather than wasting time at such events i thought we would do something productive today that would actually make our day special.

But apparently Fabulous February would have proved to be much tolerable than this movie.

Who produces a movie called 'Dil de diya hai jaan bhi de du.(Gave my heart...will give my life too).

Like what did you even have in mind when you came up with this story?

Who in their right mind directs such movie?

I would never want to be associated with anything this movie has to do.

But i did.

Apparently movie was breaking all box office records. That's what Nia said when she talked me into watching this rotten so called piece of art.

"Why is that guy writing a love letter with his blood?"I asked.

"Because he wants to."Nia answered just for sake of not sounding rude. She didn't even spare me a glance and I wasn't happy about it.

She was so engrossed in watching the movie that she didn't say bless you when I sneezed twice due to the air conditioner.

Actually she did but it was so quiet that it took two seconds to register on my ears.

I even faked a cough but it didn't work.

I swear if i faked a heart attack right now she would have said only those two words in response and gotten back to watching the movie.

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