My life is a series of tragedy.

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I was late again for college.From the past few days I was getting up late due to the lack of proper sleep.I was just passing days for the heck of passing it.

On top of all this, I was being bullied by the bunch of monsters I had messed with on my first day at college.

I had come to know that the evil boy was sort of a leader of all the bullies in college.His name was Jay Mitra. He

possesed a pretty face but his mind was cruel as hell .He had beaten up the poor boy just because he had bumped into him accidently.

He had bunch of followers.It included half population of junior year.But his closest friends or you can say followers were  boys named Rehan and Warren. They used to worship him literally.There was one more guy in this evil group.He was Aaruj,Jay's best friend.He looked quiet However he was equally taking part in every crime his best friend would do.

I got ready and was about to leave my room.My phone rang in my denim pocket.I saw Samar's name flashing on the screen.

I cut off the call.I was kind of mad at my best friends as I was becoming jealous of them.They were living in Pune and had all the rights to lead their life the way they wanted.Nikki had informed me that Rishabh was dating a girl from her college.They were in a serious relationship.This had made me even more mad.I had started doubting if Samar's plan would ever work.If I will ever go back to Pune.

I hadn't told Nikki and Sam about the bullies at college as I felt they were too busy to listen to my problems.I had started feeling sort of lonely.I couldn't talk to Mom about how I felt as she would start worrying about me.My dad was already least bothered about me.

Veena aunty was worried about the way I was behaving from last few days.I wouldn't eat properly.I would lock myself in the room whenever I was home.Mayank was least interested.Uncle would try talking to me on our way to college but It was in vain.

I wanted to reach college soon so I skipped breakfast.Uncle dropped me at college.I was getting late for my physics class.I started walking fast.I took the stairs at the corridor and was going to my classroom.Some one suddenly splashed water on my face.I was shocked by the sudden attack.I soon figured out that it wasn't just water.It was coloured.I saw my reflection in the notice board hanging on a wall. I was looking like clown with many colours on my face.

I heard bunch of people laughing at me.It also included the evil group.Jay was laughing like a monster.His followers Rehan and Warren were rolling on the ground with the laughter.Aruj was not bothered about what had happend.he was busy in talking to a girl.

I felt like I couldn't take this bullying anymore.

I ran to washroom.I saw my reflection in mirror. I really looked like a clown.My white kurta had become multicoloured. My face was hardly recognisable.I tried washing off my face but the color was so thick.It wouldn't wash away.

I started crying. I had never felt so bad about myself.I was all alone in this cruel world.I was being bullied for helping someone. Mom would always say that good deed always results in something good.I wanted to call up Mom and tell her how wrong she was.

I wanted to run away.But I did not know any damn thing about this city.I called up uncle.I could hardly talk through the sobs. I somehow managed to tell him to pick me up as soon as possible.

I waited in the washroom for an hour or so.When uncle called me to inform that he is waiting for me at the gate,I almost ran to his car. I knew people were staring at me.But all I wanted was to get the hell out of that place.

I entered the house and ran into my room.I locked myself up.Veena aunty knocked the door for zillion times. Uncle tried doing the same but I didn't answer.

Thank god!Mayank wasn't here.He went on tour for a cricket tournament to represent his college the day before. He would have clicked my picture and had posted it on Facebook. I had started hating all boys in the world.

The door was opened wide. I didn't bother to look up.I was sitting on the floor with my head rested on my lap.

I felt a gentle touch on my head.I was still crying.I looked up and found out it was none other than Veena Aunty.

"I know you wanted to be alone.But I couldn't see you in this situation.You are just like my daughter. I mean it.I know how you must be feeling", Aunty said.

"You will never understand how I feel.I don't need your sympathy. Just leave me alone. Everyone I loved has deserted me.I am all alone in this freaking cruel world", I yelled at her.

"Mira fought with your dad in vain.He wasn't in favour of bringing you in this world. You are not like your Mom at all.If she finds out about your situation she will definitely regret her decision of giving  birth to a weak and self less girl like you", she sounded serious.

Her words were stinging into my ears.

I tried defending myself,"I have had enough.I was separated from my Mom and my friends. I was brought to this city which is my least favourite. I am being bullied at my college almost everyday.I don't have any friend.What you expect me to do?".

"Stop ruining yourself.Stop cribbing about your life.I know you have had a hard time since you were born.Your father has treated you wrongly.I have tried talking to him in the past but he wouldn't listen.But I have seen how strong your Mom is.She did every possible thing to make your life worthy.Don't disappoint her.", She said.

I was listening to every word she was saying.I couldn't argue with her any more.It seemed like she was right. I had always been a chicken. I needed people to

protect me.First it was Mom and then Nikki and Sam.

"You still have time to fix yourself and the things around you.Don't give up so soon.Show your Dad and those bullies that you are strong and they can't break you.No matter how hard they try.",She said.

I didn't say anything in response.Soon she left the room.I was thinking about our conversation over and over again.My head was aching due to the crying.I was tossing in my bed.Soon I dosed off.

I woke up by the knock at the door.

I wanted to stay in my bed.But I decided to open the door as the knock grew louder each time.I was shocked to see the person standing at the door.

*****************************************I wonder who it would be.Just kidding.May be I already know who it is.:);))your feedbacks are really important in order to continue the story.:)) so plz vote/comment. Happy reading♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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