Mr.Gupta hired you as his assistant?

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I woke up by the sweet voice of my Maata(mom). She was sliping her fingers through my hair.How is anyone suppose to wake up by this? It puts you to sleep even more.I didn't want to wake up as my eyes were heavy with sleep.I hugged the pillow beside me.

"Baccha(kiddo) wake up.Its already 9.30am."said Mom.

"Mom do I ever wake up before 10 when I am on holiday and today being the holiday for me the time slot has changed to 12pm.", I replied in a sleepy voice and pulled the sheet over my face.

She pulled it off soon.I really hate it when someone does that.I blindly checked for it with my hands.When I couldn't find it I slept again cuddling the pillow.

"Nia, wake up or I will pour this water on your face."she threatened me.I didn't pay any heed to her warning.She won't do it said the inner voice in my mind.But It was so wrong.In the next instant the water was dripping off my face.I rose up in bed, wiping my face.I stared at Mom in disbelief.

"Where is my sweet Mom and what have you done to her?"I asked in suspicious manner.

"Enough of your drama.Now get ready. Your friend Pranjal called me.He said you have chemistry journal submissions on Monday.You need to go to Mumbai as soon as you can."She replied while dragging me out of my bed.

"What?Why didn't he call me on my number?"with this I checked my cellphone which had died long time back.

"Cause your phone was switched off.So he called me on my number."she iterated the fact.

"This Mogambo is haunting me here as well. He had to ruin my weekend."I was talking to myself while plugging the phone to charger.

"Who is Mogambo? "Mom asked.

"Our chemistry teacher."I bit my tounge as soon as those words left my mouth.Neddless to say, I was lectured on how to respect the teachers for the next half an hour while I got ready.

"I am gonna miss you Mom."I said hugging her.She hugged me back and then kissed me on forehead.I gathered my stuff which wasn't much and headed to the bus stop.

I boarded the bus to Mumbai.This was going to be a boring journey since I was alone.I put on the music and decided to take a little nap.Finally after travelling for hours I reached at my second home,Joshi residence.

I rang the bell.Mayank opened the door and gave me a questioning look."Don't even ask."I threatened him while walking past him."Did Mira aunty send you back because she couldn't tolerate you anymore or the Mayor sent you back realising you were a threat for the city."he said in a teasing manner while siting on a chair.This was enough to make me angry.I pulled the chair aside.He fell on the ground and soon grunted in pain looking hillarious.I stuck out tongue at him.

'Nia,why you returned so early.You said you were going to come by Sunday evening."Veena Aunty enquired as she handed me a glass of water.I made a pout in response and Mayank was again laughing hysterically at her question.I shot him a glare and Aunty scolded him too.He deserved it.

I went to my room.After freshening a bit,I checked my chemistry journal.I realised that I needed to complete the last two practicals which I had missed.I hated the fact that I had to call him since he was my lab partner.

We didn't get enough time to talk after the expo.He was busy with his upcoming tournament and I didn't attend the chemistry practicals as well.He must have celebrated with his friends since he got rid of that expo and of me as well to some extent.Now his girlfriend Vishakha will occupy his most of the time.Why am I even thinking about him or her?

Finally,I dialed Aaruj's number.To my surprise he disconnected the call.I thought he must have done it by mistake. The optimistic me never gives up. I called him again this time he answered the call and spoke furiously"Don't you understand a simple thing? When someone doesn't answer call, he might be busy.But you being a dumb girl wouldn't understand this."

love is the last option✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें