I am lost literally.

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"I am lost.I mean literally. Try to remember the directions Nia.Come on you can't be so dumb. College is just a few minutes away.How can you be so dumb?" I was talking to myself.

My phone is dead.I should have kept track of the time.Oh god! how am I going to contact Uncle or anybody else.

The road is empty. Not a single taxi or Autorikshaw. I am just wandering on the road.I think I am just going round and round and reaching on the same place again.

I should take a left or should i take a right turn.I just heard footsteps behind me. Someone is following me. I can't see him clearly in this dark.I have never felt so afraid in all my life.I am regretting my decision now.I shouldn't have agreed in the first place.

Few hours earlier.............

"Pranjal, come on just one film.You know how I loooooove Salman. Please please please",Sasha was trying to convince him.

"Look Sasha I don't want to get into any kind of trouble.I will bring you the DVD once it's out.", Pranjal told her calmly.

"Nia, babes u tell him.We can bunk few lectures.No big deal dude", with this she tried making a puppy face.

I wanted to watch the movie so badly but I didn't want to get into trouble either.So I told her we would be punished if caught.

When Sasha's puppy dog face didn't work, she gave up.

"I thought I would celebrate my birthday with you guys.I don't have any family here.", she revealed it with a sad face.

"Why didn't you tell us about your birthday?", We asked her in a unison.

"I was feeling a little awkward. It looks kind of funny to announce your own birthday", she replied.

Finally Pranjal and I had to agree to Sasha.We bunked the rest of the lectures and went for a movie.Pranjal went ahead on his scooter as he had to book the tickets.Sasha and I walked to the movie hall as it was just ten minutes away from our college.When we reached there, we still had some time to spare as the movie was going to start in another 45 minutes.We decided to roam around the near by stalls.

It was not that crowded as it was a weekday.There was a stall of scarves and printed dupattas. Sasha literally dragged us there.She liked a black bandhani scarf.She was about to buy it but I stopped her from paying.We gifted her the scarf.At first, she wasn't ready to take it but we kept on insisting.So she had to accept it eventually.

My phone rang in my pocket.I answered it in no time as I saw Nikki's name on screen.I hadn't talk to her much since few days.We both were busy with college stuff.

I excused myself and went into a corner.Nikki told me that she wasn't happy with Sam's behaviour and tried talking to him.However Sam was avoiding the topic.At first She was sad to know that I had decided to stay in Mumbai.But she backed up my decision due to the reason behind it.

I told her about my new friends and college. She sounded very excited.I knew she would be happy with the decision I made.But I was missing Sam too.He had never fought with me in all these years.It was more than a week since we talked or should I say fought the last time.

I ended up the call as movie was about to start in a minute.We went inside screening hall with a big bucket of popcorns.

Movie was good.Sasha had whistled on Salman's entry which earned her an angry look from an old lady sitting in the next row to us.Pranjal was trying to stop her but it was useless.Soon we started throwing popcorns at each other.

Some of the popcorns were stuck into that old lady's hair.This time she was going to eat us alive.

She turned to us with an angry face.We kept watching the movie as if nothing had happened.Pranjal couldn't hold his laughter anymore and started coughing. He looked so funny that Sasha and I bursted into a fits of laughter.The old lady gave us a disapproving look and continued watching the movie.

The movie got over in 2 hours.It was almost 8pm. We had lost the track of time.Sasha was late and would have to stay out if she couldn't reach hostel in time.Pranjal decided to drop her on his scooter. He insisted on dropping me as well as the hostel was in college campus.He suggested that he could come back after dropping Sasha but I refused.I told him not to worry about me as uncle will be picking me up.

While leaving, Sasha blurted out the truth.It wasn't her birthday really.She had fooled us.Pranjal and I were so angry but we spared her this time as she was already getting late.

Present time........

As soon as I realised some one was following me, I started walking fast.He was now just a few steps away.So I started running.I stumbled on the ground as I couldn't see the road properly in the dark.I heard a motorcycle racing towards me.I was blinded by the headlight. I thought I was already dead.

My heart was racing so fast that I could hardly breath.But to my surprise, the person driving motorcycle suddenly pulled the break.

I couldn't see who it was as I was still blinded by the head light.I was covering my face with hands.I heard footsteps coming in my directions.

"Hey you stupid girl!! If you want to die just find another vehicle.",the bike rider yelled at me.I could sense the anger in his tone even from the distance.

I looked up to see the face of the angry bird standing next to me while he removed his helmet.As soon as our gazes met,a realisation struck me.

Why in the whole world, he has to be the person who came to my rescue, couldn't it be somebody else. Why he had to be my Knight in shining armour. Wait. ..He wouldn't even help me.

He was none other than, Aaruj Singh Rathore aka Jay's best buddy.
Omg! I am just like Nia when it comes to directions. I can manage to get lost in a place even if I have been there so many times:)):P
Have you guys been lost ever??
Also vote and comment on how u find the chapters. Ur feedbacks r more than welcome..and If u think chapters are very lengthy to read at a time,sorry for that. I am very bad with summaries. In school I would tend to write 'answer in one sentence' as two sentences so u can get the idea. .:))sry for grammar mistakes. Didn't get enough time to edit.see what I just did; ) I wrote a lengthy author note too.

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