Revenge time.....ha ha ha:D

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"Love forgives it

love never minds

love is like sun shining so bright

Love is strength and love is sky with starry night.", recited my English professor Mr. Desouza from the poem named'love'.

His words were like melody to my ears. Even though I was a science student I had this compulsory English subject and I never regretted it.It was one of my favourite subject. I was fond of literature.

I was brought back from my thoughts by the announcement of a project he assigned us.So I noted down the details in my notebook.Soon the bell rang and I rose up from my chair. I went to the cafeteria along with Sasha and Pranjal.

We sat down at the table in the corner.Just when I was going through my Facebook notifications, Sasha pointed at something stuck in my hair.By the horrid look on her face I thought It must be a big terentulla spider.But it was even worse when she spoke the words out.I would have preferred terentulla.

"There is a chewing gum stuck in your hair babes", she blurted out.

Pranjal had worried look in his eyes. I tried to remove the gum softly but it got worsen as it stuck to some more hair strands. By now it was a total mess. I ran to washroom to get better help in removing it with the water. Sasha joined me soon.

We tried and tried for an hour or so.Though it was not stuck right in the middle of my head, but it pretty much engulfed the length of my hair.I had to cut some of my hair to get it removed.

I almost had tears in my eyes when I saw the hair that were fallen on the floor of washroom.My hair was more than special to me.I had inherited big long hair just like my mum.Now if I had to look normal again I would have to cut down my zig zag hair to a level where they would be half of the size they were before.

Sasha tried to comfort me as we walked out of washroom. I had tied my remaining/messy hair in a bun.We were making our way to the next class we had but got interrupted by the arrival of evil group.

Jay and Warren were smiling at us like an idiot. Rehan and Aaruj looked normal.We couldn't understand why they came into our way suddenly. Then the monster Jay asked me,"Hey don't you love your new hairdo?????"

This was enough to figure out that the gum didn't climb upto my hair and got stuck on its own.

I was disgusted by the thought of how low can someone stoop to get revenge. How can someone be so insensitive to spoil some one's looks.I couldn't let him to win this time.I tried to calm myself down cause I didn't want to cry in front of those loosers.

However Sasha had planned something else.She grabbed Jay by his coller. Aaruj stepped forward and tried to pull the two apart by standing in the middle of them.

I tried to pull Sasha away and finally succeeded though she was taller and a bit heavier than me.I dragged her to class and we got seated in our respective seats.

Soon our Physics teacher Mrs. Shukla entered classroom.She gave us a surprise class test and we all began to write the test which I was eventually going to fail.

After few lectures

Sasha and I were sitting on the grass near the campus area.Sasha wasn't happy with gum incidence but she knew we didn't had any strong proof to complain against the evil group. Pranjal was not with us as he had to leave early.

Soon my phone beeped with a message. I opened to see it and found out that it was from Pranjal.

Pranjal:hey sry I hd 2 leave early 4 home. Der ws n emergency. U k nd wt abt Ur hair??

Me:yep..i m fi9 .I rmovd gum. everything gud at hm?

Pranjal:yeah al lil sis was alone so had 2 babysit.

Me:awww u r a lovely bro. Ur sis is lucky.:))

Pranjal:tnx Nia:))ciao 4 nw she hs woken up.gtg

Me:k ciao.

"Why exactly are you smiling? Don't tell me you were chatting with your boyfriend and I don't even know you have one", she spoke in serious tone.

"Samiksha I am planning to run away with my boyfriend.", I said pretending to be serious.

Her face was hilarious after hearing that.I couldn't hold my laughter back and started laughing like a hyena.

And then I had to run for my life through the campus as Sasha was running after me with blood in her eyes.
Hope you enjoyed reading it.though it's sad to loose someone's hair and we should never ever do this to even our enemy.This incidence has happened when i was in 6th class, with a boy.Poor boy had to cut his hair. So don't get any wrong idea from this chapter. I may sound too preachy sometimes hope you bear with it.:))
Happy reading♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
And one more thing this below message is for someone who is no more on wattpad but I would like to take this opportunity to thank her as her support on my story will always be so precious for me.
*Thanks Anwesha for having faith in my story and for connecting with my thoughts. Hope this message will reach you some day.I wish you always stay happy and healthy and continue to be the nice person you are:)xoxo*

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