xo Love bug xo

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A/N:Unedited. Sorry. High possibilities of Grammar/Spelling errors:( This chapter is dedicated to @cuteiam. Thank you so much dear for your support on the story.<3

Nia's POV

I read somewhere that love is like rose-tinted glasses. But now that I am actually in love I understand the feel it has. Because the moment you put those tinted glasses on, everything becomes beautiful, different--in a good way. Love pretty much did the same to me.The usual crappy bus rides became interesting. The loud remix song playing on someone's phone sounded more melodious than ever.

Unusual in my case because I despise remix songs.

The crowd on the bus looked non-existent to me. The people bumping into me while getting down the bus ,did't seem to bother much--it feels like you are walking in your own bubble. However, it didn't take long for my bubble to burst as I stepped inside the Royal academy on Tuesday.

Outside this academy, Aaruj and I were a couple, but inside it we were friends with-- correction best friends with, the people who hated each other's guts. We needed time to make them understand how we felt about each other. So we had decided on keeping our relationship secret for a while.

"Miss Tantrum, what took you so long?"A sudden familiar voice surprised me.

"Aparantly I don't have my own Khatara(bike) so I took the bus to reach here."I explained.

"Oh!I can pick you up everyday and drop you off if you want. Me and my humble Khatara would be more than obliged you know."He smirked.

"Thanks but no thanks."I continued."I don't want anyone asking me questions as to why Mr.Sadu(Rude) is so nice to me suddenly."I teased him.

"Take those words back right this moment."He threatned me in a mocked voice.

"Nope."I said shaking my head stubbornly.

"Then I am going to hug you right here, right now."

"Ha!you won't."I smirked.

Soon his hands reached out to grab me by both sides. I looked around us nervously while his hands kept coming closer and closer to me in slow motion.

"Aaruj, stop it. One of our friends might see us."I panicked.

"I won't stop. You stop wearing this blue checked shirt. It's not my fault that you look totally cute in it."

I thought he was fooling around when he said that but his face looked serious.

"We had a deal. We are not going public with our relationship until we convince our friends."I reminded.

"I know we agreed but it's difficult to actually implement it. What if they take lifetime to accept our relationship?"He was putting forth the same doubt he had yesterday, when we were discussing about how to exactly break the news of our relationship to our beloved best friends.

"Nia, it's too hard to stay away from you now that I know you feel the same for me. I want to be around you all the time. I want to be the one who walks you to classes. I want to be the one holding your hands in the hallway."His affectionate words made my heart race faster than ever.

"You are already the one, Mister. And belive me the time when all those things will come true is not so far."

"Fine. I won't hug you."He whined.

"Are you mad at me?"I asked him meekily as he looked at the ground for a while."

He looked up in surprise."No, Nia. I am not angry. I am just...I don't know what."He looked gloomy and it made me sad too.

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