Hell, stupid driver and cute+rude boy alert

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I was literally pissed off at the speed, bus driver was driving his so called luxury bus. I can challenge that even a bicycle would win if ever raced against this super slow transport.

All along the way, I had chewed off mom's ears by cribbing about how dumb and stupid the bus driver was.Mom would just try to calm me down.

But she knew that if I ever start cribbing about something, I will not stop until my mouth hurts or the person who is listening to me will turn deaf permanently.

I used to rant out of nervousness and right now I was the most nervous person on the earth.

I put my earplugs on and started listening to my favourite songs.As soon as I had started enjoying the music, the driver pressed breaks suddenly.All the passengers including me and my mom almost hit our faces in the front seat. Some of us literally fall from their seats.

This time the driver had earned all kind of swear words for his outstanding driving skills, not just from me but from other fellow passengers as well.

Mom slapped my arm hard as soon as she heard a swear word make an entrance through my mouth. This time it was my turn to get an earful.

Finally, the bus started again and I thanked god for saving me from Mom's scolding.

Atlast our super slow bus arrived at our destination, Dadar bus station.My stomach had already now started growling because of the nervousness. Mom and I got off from the bus.We collected our luggage and started walking towards the taxi which was standing near the bus station.

The taxi driver was taking a nap.I actually felt bad that my Mom was going to wake him up from his sound sleep.It reminded me of how she used to wake me up every morning as I was a hard sleeper and could go on sleeping for whole day.Oh god! how was I going to manage waking up on my own.

Mom's voice brought me back to earth. She and the driver was talking(may be argueing over) about the taxi fare.She was telling him that we were not new to the city and could understand what is the fare for hiring a taxi.My typical mom would never change and I loved her so much for all these small things.

After arguing for 10-15 minutes,she finally convinced the driver for the fare she wanted.We got into the taxi and mom told driver about the address.I was quite thoroghout the time we were in the taxi.Mom was telling me how this city has changed drastically over all these years.

I was almost about to spill the beans but the frightening thought of staying back in Mumbai for years stopped me from telling mom about our plan,Mission Mumbai impossible.(Sam was die hard Tom Cruise fan.)

Taxi stopped in front of a big house. This house was surrounded by the same kind of houses. Each had a big garden in front of them.Mom and I was amazed by the similarity of each house.We got off the taxi after paying fare and stood in front of house no 465.

I asked Mom if she was sure that this was the right house.We reached to the gate.The name plate on the wall confirmed that this place belonged to Mr Joshi.

Mom rang the bell.As soon as the door opened, a lady almost about Mom's age greeted us with a big smile. Mom and that lady exchanged regular greetings. Mom turned to me and introduced me to that lady.In a second instant, I was suffocating in a bear hug.

I thought I would never survive out of this deathly hug.But I was released soon.Mom coughed to grab my attention.

She was doing some actions with her hands. I couldn't understand why all of sudden Mom wanted to play dumb sherads.

At last Mom said it loud,"Beta, say namste to Veena Aunty".

I suddenly realised my mistake and said,"Namaste".I bent down to touch Aunty's feet but I was stopped by her in the middle.She engulfed me in deathly hug again. Bad move Nia, I thought to myself.

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