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I am not good with farewells.

Well there is high possibility that I might have shed a tear or two while writing the end of LITLO. Okay I did.;(

It all started with an urge to relive my college days. When I decided I would write, I knew it would be a teen fiction. Because that's the best part of any person's life(There could be few exceptions though).

But I can say for myself that it had been the golden days of my life.

Writing this book was pretty challenging. And getting readers to read it was even more challenging task. I kept wondering if anyone will ever read even first paragraph of the book ever. But then finally someone noticed it and then few other people followed in. :)

LITLO has been a bittersweet experience. There were times when I felt what am I even doing here on wattpad with an ongoing story. I am a reader. Have always been.  I had plenty of doubts about myself as a writer. I still have. The girl you are reading about now had not written anything in her life other than her diary and some closet poems before writing LITLO. So to get out there and publish this work was a huge challenge for me. But you guys helped me and look where we are today.

I don't know if this book is successful or not. But to me, the response of the readers is really precious. I adore each and everyone of you for giving time and love to this book. Your encouraging comments and support to the story always brought a smile on my face. I specially want to mention all the sweethearts who waited for the book all these years and still supported it when i published chapters after four freaking years.♥️

I want to clear few things as we have reached to the end of this book.

1. There will be no sequel.

2.  There will be no one shots.

3.   No characters from this story would appear in my other stories.

4.   Now you can officially hate me for all of the above reasons. Haha.

But seriously people, I am not into sequels. I hardly read any stories with sequel. Writing sequel is just not my thing so I hope you understand. Apologies in advance if you were hoping for one.:(

I am gonna shut it now.

I hope this book made atleast a tiny place in your heart.

I hope this book made you smile atleast once while you read it.

I hope you come back to read this story again someday if you ever miss it because I am gonna miss writing it and sharing with you all.

And I am gonna miss you all so much. :(

I would like to share something personal as i had promised in one of the chapters years ago.

That lab scene with Rishabh in the book is real.(*major hatai wale vibes*)

When i wrote the book that was my only experience with how someone felt around their crush so i added it in the book. Rest of book, all the charecters and incidents are fictitious.

Farewell from the world of LITLO my lovely LITLOians.

Keep smiling. Keep reading cause Books are not just books. They held universe inside them or so i have heard.♥️


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