Chapter 52: Meeting with the Devil (Voldemort)

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Adelaide and her family returned back from Australia and they attended some social functions here and there, sprinkled between their own leisure activities. It was a Summer of changes, well not for Adelaide personally, but the people around her changed. While Victoria was going to stay until the end of Summer with them, it was a symbolic sign of their growing up and the changing times. Her NEWTs results, that were nearly perfect, arrived with a letter that announced the fact that Adelaide was the new Ravenclaw prefect, making everyone proud. Though she wasn't really thrilled, since she was going to have a lot of responsibilities next year, besides studying for OWLs, such as training with Dumbledore, working either her powers and all. But she didn't want to back down, now that the letter had arrived and she didn't want to disappoint anyone.

She also found out from her friends that Remus, William and Lily were prefects for their respective houses and she heard from Mary that Jack was also the other Ravenclaw prefect, Adelaide had no idea where did her information come from. She was also shocked why Somerset wasn't chosen as the Gryffindor prefect instead of Remus, since he was the poster boy for students but this was something that no one knew and Adelaide would ask him herself if she had to.

Adelaide had finally stopped growing in height after reaching Victoria's height, and her face had matured and while again she had not gained much curves, she had still gained a bit, which made her satisfied enough, since she had already accepted that she was going to remain without much curves. Many in Raven's hill commented on her beauty, which was not a novelty, but she noticed that her beauty now, was turning heads.

It was also a Summer of change for Helena, who not only grew in height but also had her first period the day after their return. Adelaide heard her sobbing that day and Helena's calling for her. She remembered barging in the bathroom seeing Helena with tears sitting on the toilet with her head on her hands.

"Helena! Helena, talk to me! What's wrong?" Adelaide asked her urgently, when she noticed the red stain on her skirt.

"I have gotten my period." Helena said as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. Adelaide let a sigh of relief and laughed a bit at her sister's overwhelmed reaction.

"Well, congratulations Lena. That means you're healthy as a horse and growing up finely." Adelaide kissed the top of her head, as she gave her sanitary pads and explained to her how to take care of herself.

She also explained talked with her about «the talk» gently, since she didn't want her to hear it from someone who could possibly scar her or embarrass her further. Helena despite turning red from embarrassment and blushing sometimes, was very mature about it and looked at it as a biological fact rather than something that happened between people who loved each other, but that might have been due to the fact that she had expressed interest in healing for some time and this was no different.

Helena had also started to gain soft curves afterwards, and that reminded Adelaide more of how fast everything was happening and while she, herself, was growing up, the people she loved grew with her as well. Helena was growing prettier by the day and it showed that when she got older, she would definitely become a woman of great beauty with her lovely blueish-green eyes with long eyelashes and her long thick curly brown hair.

She had also gotten closer to Frank, as he visited the White Villa with his mother surprisingly, at the invitation of Robert, who was close friends with the late mr Longbottom. Augusta was another great woman, she was a great role model for strength and bravery and while she had somewhat of high expectations of her son, and she was too honest and straightforward, Adelaide appreciated her power, courage and grace and they became good friends and for the first time in a while, Adelaide felt some kind of a great maternal relationship with someone and not only was she writing letters to Frank, but also to Augusta, who began treating Adelaide like her daughter, seeing that she was friends with her son's girlfriend and being the daughter of her late husband's friend. Frank asked Adelaide for help to pick a gift for Alice or choosing the venue for one of their dates.

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