Chapter 24: The days of woes and sorrow

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June 1973

The second year finished after a long month of final examinations, they were more difficult than the previous year, but then again they were tiny first-years the year before. June was most certainly a tiresome month and Adelaide busted her tail due to studying hard, having a very tight and crammed schedule, but it was worth it and she passed her exams with flying colours.

"My superpower is holding onto stuff for years and throwing it away exactly one week before i need it!" Alice grumbled as she was looking for some personal letters.

It was their last day and after eating their breakfast, they were leaving for their homes, a prospect that Adelaide was both eager about and dreaded.
"If you're lucky enough they might be here or somewhere close, but i am most certain that you threw some pieces of paper last week, at the end of the exams." Sarah said as she was looking around the room, assisting Alice in her search for her letters.

"I always told you to organise your stuff neatly and don't pack the same day as our departure." Adelaide said while she was looking under her own bed, while Midnight was walking around the room, as if she was looking for them as well.

"You know, for once, please stop acting like my mother and nag me later. I think, i have already learned my lesson."

"I doubt it, i promise that this time next year, you'd be looking for some of your books."

After a few minutes of frantically looking for those papers, Midnight dragged some papers, with her teeth and brought them near Alice's feet.

"Oh, my. Your cat is a genius much like yourself. You found it! Good girl. This Summer, Dela, bring your cat with you. I will absolutely throw her a feast." Alice hugged Midnight and petted her.

Adelaide awkwardly looked away at the mention of the Summer plan and only nodded. She put Midnight in her basket and went down with the girls to eat breakfast. They laughed and chatted with some of their housemates and caught up with them. Later they went to the train station and waited for the Hogwarts express. Adelaide had bid farewell to some of the people that she doubted she would have the time to say goodbye to while they waited, two of them were Lily and Severus.

"Since i'll be staying Mary straight away, i won't join you in your compartment. I'll be staying with Severus." Lily said the first sentence with some guilt, and Adelaide couldn't miss the huff that Severus muttered after mentioning her small trip.

"That's alright. Bye then, i'll see you the last week." Alice said while she and Sarah hugged Lily, said goodbye to Severus and went away.

"I really had so much fun this year, thank you again for making snow field in the class." Severus turned to Adelaide. "Those times were really cool and fun."

"Yeah, you made me gain some control and confidence over my powers." Adelaide said looking at her bare hands.

"Adelaide, i suppose i'll see you the last week, but before that feel free to write and confide anything in us. Please don't forget to inform and tell me of anything happened, ok?" Lily said while she hugged Adelaide, knowing that it was about her mother. Adelaide only told Severus and Lily of her mother's worsening condition and they didn't know that by the end of Summer, she would be dead.

"Um... sure, ok." Adelaide said as she didn't know where to look at when she hid her face in Lily's thick Red hair. Severus narrowed his eyes and surveyed her suspiciously. Surprisingly, he also gave her a small hug.

"Please, don't keep things to yourself." Lily looked at her.
"I wish you luck, Dela." Severus said as Adelaide was slowly walking away, waving at them.

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