Chapter 2: Midnight

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Adelaide and her parents apparated  to Diagon alley, as they had some last-minute shoppings they had to make before the train leaving for Hogwarts today. She had to buy her wand and her parents also wanted to buy her a pet, likely an owl, for her school as a late present for the birthday that passed a few months ago in January. It was a tradition that started with Elizabeth. They got an animal for their 11th birthday on the last day before the train left. They also would purchase a wand and be gifted with an accessory to mark their journey in Hogwarts. Elizabeth got her pearl earrings and Victoria got a pretty ring that had a diamond on it.Their parents would only take the newcomer with them to make it special and would give a speech and pep-talk when they enjoyed ice cream before heading back home.

Even though they left early to go there, it was crowded as it seemed many were doing last minute purchases as well. There was an air of gloomy weather on the people as well, 2 years ago when Adelaide went there with her parents it seemed people were more relaxed. But ever since the appearance of a dark wizard things were going downhill, and things were going to get worse. There were many small children, Adelaide wondered which of them would be her classmates.
First, she went to Ollivander's. "Ah, Lady Winchester. I have been expecting you today."
Adelaide looked up and saw a white-haired man standing near a ladder , he had kind light eyes and appeared to be surveying her. "Hello, sir."

"Let's see which wand would be best for you." Adelaide surveyed the dark shop as the man went to look for a proper wand, the shop had cases and shelves filled with long boxes and on the table were parchments and more boxes. The shop was lighten by a few candles. "Here, try this." Adelaide made a small swish with the wand, parchments were lifted with a quick speed. "Not this one then, try this one." The second one was lighter but when she gave it a tiny move, the empty boxes caught fire. "Oh, i am awfully sorry." Adelaide whispered guiltily. "It's alright, i do think i know which one might fit you now."
He gave her a third wand. The wand had black carvings on the end and the rest was a light brown colour. She gave it a swish. "This is perfect. A unicorn hair as its core. It was made from an old willow tree. It seems as you have a good conviction and won't be shaken by difficulties. Also, you must be good at any kind of subject as it has chosen you." Adelaide looked mesmerised by his words. She thanked him and exited the shop.

"Heidi, dear, come let's get you an owl." Adelaide was very excited for this part, as she had seen the funny bond between her sisters and their respective owls. Winter, was the elegant cream-coloured nearly white owl pf Elizabeth. She was calm and gentle. Summer, Victoria's owl was the exact opposite of Winter. Summer had an attitude, excited about flying around and at times seemed to annoy Winter. She was also very quick. Her parents, each, took one of her hands and they went to the store. Her mother decided to stay outside catch some air while she and her father went in.

"Good morning. What can i help you with?" Said a tiny woman with huge glasses. "We are looking for an owl actually." Adelaide had already went deeper into the shop, her father glanced at her. Adelaide looked at the owls. Some were grown already and some were just hatched it seemed. They were ok but none of them were what she wanted. She looked around the shop. She saw cages of other creatures. One was filled with snakes, she shuddered and looked away, a little further were some cats in a bigger space. They were of different colours. Some were looking curiously at her, but what took her attention was a small kitten who was resting on the ground.It was perhaps the smallest of them all and It had huge greenish yellow eyes, if they were not open, she wouldn't have thought of it as a cat, as it was the darkest colour she had seen. Its eyes were full of wonder yet they were pretty intelligent."Papa, i want this black kitten."

"Are you sure? I thought you wanted an owl?"
"I can use Winter or Summer, if not you said there was an owlrey in school, i could burrow one if i wanted."

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