Chapter 23: The fears we have

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May 1973

"Ew, what are these!" Sarah shouted after seeing a flesh-eating slug nearing her. She jumped away, hiding behind Lily, while everyone snickered. Sarah's top fear was most insects, especially the «leg-less ones» as she said herself.

"Quiet, all of you! Miss Collins, stop with your theatrics and listen to me. Today we're covering the Incendio Duo spell that can be used in various situations. One of them as you may have figured it yourselves, is incinerating flesh-eating slugs." Professor Sprout said while she was putting on her usual gloves.
"Can you tell me another usage of this spell?"

Few students raised their hands. Adelaide raised hers as high as she could as she saw Somerset doing the same.

"Mr Somerset, you tell me."

"Burning through cobwebs." He answered proudly as if he had answered the most difficult question.

"5 points for Gryffindor." Adelaide groaned as she put her hand down.

"Now, put on your gloves for extra protection, look how i point at this one," professor Sprout said as she pointed to one of the bigger slugs. "You point at your target, now: Incendio." Green flames exited from her wand and the slug was put aflame, after a few seconds there was nothing left but ashes.

"That smells ... disgusting." Alice crinkled her nose.

"Agreed." Dorcas said as finished putting on her gloves.

"Now assemble and start doing the same. All of you should be able to do this at the end of today's class."
Sarah cringed as she walked away from Lily, but returned back to her spot.

"Collins! Stop your childish behaviour and do it. You won't be happy if one day, one of these slugs managed to get a piece of your flesh just because you didn't practice today." Sprout shouted. "Unless you prefer it that way."

"N-no professor."

"So start practicing."

"Incendio." Adelaide mumbled, her wand conjuring green flames burning a few slugs, as Somerset managed to do the same."The smell is worse than disgusting."

"10 points for both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Then next five people can earn points for their houses, the rest won't."

"I wonder what will we do next year? Now, I can't stomach some of these lessons we had this year, i hope it won't be horrible." Marlene said as she was frantically pointing her wand over and over to some of the slugs, while nothing happened.

"10 points for Gryffindor." Sprout shouted as she saw Lily, managing to do it right on time.

"What will you do this summer?" Adelaide asked Lily, as they looked at their friends and other students, trying to cast the fire spell, tuning out the rest of the class.

"Well, i'll be staying some part of it home, but i suppose I'll stay with Mary, for some two weeks, starting from when i get to the train station. Marlene would be there for a week too. Dorcas will be there i suppose. I rather not stay at home that much, Petunia is well... Petunia, even though Sev begged me to stay all of Summer at home." Lily sighed. "As much i feel guilty about leaving him alone all by himself, i can't do that. He was a little bit angry when i told him that, i suppose he doesn't think that i am good friend to him."

"You don't have to be guilty over that. You are a brilliant friend." Adelaide shook her head.

"I don't know, but i just do."

"Lily, how much should i tell you that he controls you?" Marlene said, huffing as she finally managed to make a fire spell, though not earning any house points.

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