Chapter 22: The snow day

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March 1973

There was a small part of Adelaide who thought that Somerset might give them away. He seemed to be the person who would read all of the laws, much like Adelaide, and breathe all of the laws, unlike Adelaide, who sometimes would break them if she had too. He could have gotten some recognition for giving them away, or he could have gotten his revenge on Adelaide and only gave her away, but he didn't. Something that confused Adelaide very much. Well then again, we made Mulciber sick, he is a Gryffindor and has some sort of hatred for this prejudiced Slytherin, like any sane person, so perhaps since it's Mulciber, he hasn't given us away. Nevertheless Adelaide looked for any signs that he might give them away, but he never mentioned anything.

"It will be Spring in less than a month, i have already asked my mother to buy those beautiful flowy floral dresses, and send them here. They are so in, right now!" Sarah was dreamily looking away, smiling at the thought.

"It's nice how you're so dead set on your appearance and style, if i am going shopping, it will be in Summer, or from next year, you can also count Hogsmede too. Shopping and all that is tiresome. I don't have the time or energy to do that." Alice replied, writing her transfiguration homework, that was due tomorrow.

"I don't think you can find anyone who is so into shopping as Sarah, now. She rivals anyone i know, which is something." Adelaide said as she lazily laid on her back in the Ravenclaw common room, reading a book called «Sense and sensibility». She was pretty much a fan of classic muggle books, and Jane Austen was her favourite writer.

"Dela do you have something to do today?" Sarah asked as she was reviewing her potions' notes.

"Well, it is afternoon now. I had played my violin before, i have nothing to do really."

"Wow, that's a first. You usually have something to do." Alice quirked her eyebrows.

"Oh, i forgot my class with Dumbledore, i needed to practice controlling my powers too. I need to let go of these gloves one day." Adelaide looked down on her gloves which were becoming a constant companion to her. "I suppose i need to practice before class, now that i am thinking about it."

Adelaide was tired and worn, willing herself to get up and go and practice her wild powers was more than a chore.

After Alice finished her transfiguration homework, she put it away in their dormitory and said: "Well, perhaps you can go and practice and we can watch you." She had brought her and Sarah's pair of snow gloves too. "For safety." She said pointing to the gloves.

"No, i can't let anyone near me. As i said, I can't control them all i can do is to let them roam a bit and then imprison them with these gloves. It can be very dangerous. That's why i practice alone, with no one near me." Adelaide said worry seeping through her, as she saw them putting gloves on. "And these gloves wouldn't do anything. Really. Since they are regular woollen gloves, not enchanted to deal with ice powers, like mine."

"I know, we're just putting them on in order to show you that we are careful and since you're really tired it will so good for you if we were with you too."

"And we really haven't sewn your ice powers, you promised you'd show us. I suppose we can see them now." Sarah said smiling.

"No way. I don't want to hurt you."

"We're already going with you, so stop frowning and listen to us. Even if something goes wrong, i promise you, that we will protect ourselves." Alice promised, putting a hand on Adelaide's tense shoulder.

"Fine. But please, be careful. I am not capable of protecting you that much and you might see a different side of me."

The trio walked to the door of their common room, following Adelaide. In their way they saw Lily and Severus sitting beside each other.

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