Chapter 48: Secrets and kisses

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"Oh my, i got a 98 on this exam." Adelaide said as she looked at her potion's paper. It was a very hard exam and she really didn't have time to study due to her Brocken leg shenanigan, and she was still wearing her cast.

She then looked at Somerset and asked him: "What did you get?"

"A 100." He said smirking slightly.

"Oh, w-what?!" Adelaide replied, her heart sinking slightly. "Well, there's only a 2 points difference, same thing."

"No, no, darling, you got a 98 cause that was all you could get, but i got a 100 because that is all there was to get." Somerset told her in a joking manner as the distance between them was closed.

Adelaide stared at him, angered by his words. She quickly turned away, in order to get away from him, but she lost her balance, since she put a great deal of weight on her cast and she would have fallen if it weren't for Somerset, who grabbed her arm gently, balancing her.

"Adelaide, we need to get to the bathroom on the second floor, if you haven't forgotten about our secret meeting today with my friends." He whispered to her. "If you can that is, if you can't i can tell them-"

"You think i am that angry about my 98 percent? That i would stop living my life and forever mourn you besting me by 2 points? Please, you are so full of yourself." Adelaide snapped as she began walking to the bathroom.

"Adelaide, i didn't mean it because of your score but because of your broken leg. That's all, i didn't mean any offence. Truly."

"Let's go. I can barely stand beside you alone, you're something i can definitely never get used to."

"Oh, and why is that? Because of our rivalry? Or whatever i said last year to you?" His voice had a hint of hurt in it.

"Well, i don't know, there is a great deal of things about you that i can't really stand. Yes, there are the things you told me last year-"

"And i will forever regret it. I told you, it was in anger, the brashness of my words, and that anger was not really directed towards you but towards my own friends that like bullying and hurting others. If i could take it back, i would. I swear." He said with some desperation that made him clear his throat.

"Well, still, i was being honest with you then, and perhaps you were being honest yourself too." Adelaide replied as he shook his head frantically.

"Whatever, you are still a pain in the arse, truly. I rather not have classes with the Gryffindors, who i have befriended, because that means i will also have to put up with you. You are still arrogant and our competitive rivalry is definitely taking a lot of energy from me. But i won't quit."

"So you fear our competition?" Somerset jested.

"Oh no. As i said tired but it's not fearsome. What about you? Do you fear it?" Adelaide asked him in a mocking tone as they stood outside the bathroom door, as they stood in front of each other.

He leaned forward and said: "I don't fear our competition, as you said once; i embrace it. Competing against you is a constant adrenaline rush, Adelaide."

Adelaide just stared at him, feeling something weird in her stomach as Somerset's face had turned red slightly. Suddenly, the bathroom's door was opened by Sirius, and they jumped back.

"Oh, finally. I thought you had gotten lost and i needed to show you the way." Sirius said absentmindedly as he took in the tension between them.

"What in the bloody hell did happen with you? It's as if you've been through a war." Frank said as he gave a look to Somerset who just rolled his eyes.

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