Chapter 16: let us start with a bang

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September 1972

Finally it was the day to return to Hogwarts. Adelaide was thrilled to see her friends again and go back to her school, even thou she was also saddened for leaving her parents and younger siblings behind.
They were now at the station, waiting patiently for the train to arrive.
Adelaide was wearing a grey skirt and blue buttoned down shirt. Her tights were grey as well, and she wore black mary janes and paired her outfit with a blue headband.

Helena was sad but less than the year before. "Lena, next year this time you'll be coming with us."

"I know. But I don't know if staying behind is worse or coming to a strange school with a lot of new people."

Adelaide laughed at her words. "Oh, come on Helena, please stop stressing about the negative points. If you continue like that only dying will be the option."

She saw Lily and Severus walking towards her. She said her farewell to her family and went to them. She hugged Lily and greeted Severus. "Well, isn't it nice seeing you all again?"

"It is." Severus said a rare big smile forming on his lips, then they saw James and Sirius walking by, not noticing them. "Well, it would have been. But we also have to see them."

"Don't worry, if you don't try to kill one another, it will be fine."

"So, Alice and Sarah said they had a lot of fun in your house." Lily said smiling at her.

"I am sorry. I wanted to invite you too, but the date was set suddenly, because of my aunt's visit and all. Next summer. I promise to invite you next time."


As they were boarding the train, they walked past the compartments and saw Alice, Sarah, Dorcas, Mary and Marlene sitting in one of them. They motioned for them,

"Um, Lily. Let's go and sit by ourselves. Shall we?" Severus said , pulling Lily's arm.

"But Severus, i want to sit with the others. You can sit with us too."

"They are your friends. Besides, weren't you my friend. Please Lily." Adelaide frowned at his words. Her friends would be alright sitting with Severus, but she didn't know why he was so against them. He also got along quite well with Alice and Sarah, talking with them and all. There must be a reason. And why is he forcing Lily to not sit with them.

"You can sit with us too, Adelaide." Severus said hoping this could sway Lily to sit alone.

Adelaide looked awkwardly away. Her hands were getting heavy, holding her bag and Midnight in her hands. Besides, she thought she was sitting with all of them. "Oh, well, i was hoping to sit with all of you. But i think i will sit with the girls. Perhaps I'll join you later. See you."

Adelaide said opening the compartment door, greeting the girls. They hugged her and she sat beside Alice and Sarah. The other three in front of her.

"Why didn't Lily and Severus come here?" Sarah asked.

" Severus wanted them to sit separately."

"Oh." Sarah said, her smile dropped.

"He doesn't like us. At least Mary, Dorcas and i." Marlene said annoyed by the conversation.

"I don't think-"
"It is the truth. He gets along fairly well with Sarah and Alice. The reason is simple. We are Gryffindors and he is a Slytherin. I think, being in the same space as his other housemates for a year should have some sort of effect on him."

"You mean that he is prejudiced?" Alice said being disappointed.

"Well, i am not saying he is. But he might become one in the future. He was looking weirdly at Mary. As if- as if he couldn't make up his mind about being disgusted by her or being indifferent towards her."

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