Chapter 10: Influences and jinxes

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November passed quicker than the speed of the other two months put together. It was a month full of questions, oral and physical exams, quizzes and all that to prepare the students for the upcoming exams at the end of the year.
Nothing of note happened, other than the fact that the rivalry between Somerset and Adelaide was still there and it was known by everyone, even the professors.

Potter, Sirius, Pettigrew and Remus had officially became a group. They were very troublesome, especially the latter two. Sometimes, Adelaide never understood why Remus had become their friend as he was least interested in getting into detention and trouble. Pettigrew, was another story. He was weirdly in awe of Sirius and Potter, as if he worshipped the ground they walked upon. He tried to copy whatever they were doing, mot really caring about what was right or wrong, such as pranking students or throwing hexes at them. Also, it seemed that now, they had learned how to cast hexes and spells around, something that Adelaide hated. They also started becoming more crueler to Severus. Though, Severus was fighting back. Until now, they hadn't really tried hexing him, but it was only a matter of time until they did.

Mulciber was also becoming a menace too. He was slowly rallying Slytherins around for random bullying or something like that. He was also interested in befriending William, something that worried Adelaide as she was nervous about what kind of influence he would have on her friend.

Adelaide was continuing her private trainings with Dumbledore, rapidly moving with controlling fire. Now, she could shoot fire with both her hands and legs. Her fire was as destructive as Fiendfyre, but she could easily take control of it. She was excited to start her ice powers, though the headmaster thought it was too soon. Usually these training were taught by the previous true heir, and in natural course of action her mother would have taught her that, but since she wasn't physically well, it was impossible.

Now it was December, a month that was passing slowly.  Everyone was excited for Christmas holidays.

"Hopefully, in three weeks, we can have some rest. I miss my family, even my brother. I can't wait to see them." Sarah said hope dancing in her eyes.

"Yeah, i am excited to see my family in a few weeks time, too." Replied Adelaide smiling at that. She had sent countless of letters to her parents and her siblings, but she had missed them terribly while at Hogwarts. She wanted to see of Helena was really faring well as her parents have told her.

They were in charms class, learning the unlocking charm. Adelaide had managed that in one try, same as Somerset, both of them had sent each other death glares after that.

"Now, miss Collins, quit day-dreaming. Show me your unlocking charm." Professor Flitwick squeaked.

"Oh, sorry. Yes well," Sarah cleared her throat, "Alohomora!" Nothing happened.

"Move your hand more, don't hold your wand that stiff." Professor Flitwick told her. " Try again."

Sarah tried again and she managed to cast the spell, successfully.

"Bravo, five points to Ravenclaw."

"Phew, now where were we? Ah, the Christmas holidays." Sarah continued talking about her family traditions on and on. When the class finished, they were heading to their last class for the day, potions, when they heard shouts coming from behind them. They turned around seeing Severus and Potter, who was with his friends , taunting each other.

Not again.

"What's your problem, Snivellus. Can't you take a joke?" Potter asked Severus.

"I can take one, if it's not about mocking me."

"Oh really? You Slytherins, all have dry humour." Sirius said in a mocking tone.

"You want a joke, here is one." Severus said his eyes shining maliciously as he drew his wand at them and shouted: " Flipendo!" Suddenly Potter fell back hitting the wall.

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