Chapter 50: The True Nature

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Adelaide finally had her cast off, when madam Pomfrey finally deemed her leg healed. Of course walking on a previously broken leg was much harder than she thought as it had grown weak but it was getting better.

"Now, listen to me and don't think of doing any funny thing today. Today we will learn of Bubotuber, so first can you tell me- ok, you, Somerset, tell us." Adelaide put her arm down disappointed that Somerset was going to explain.

"It's a magic plant that its visible parts resemble a large, thick, black slug. On the surface there are protrusions that are shiny and when squeezed, yield yellow-green pus." He explained calmly and gave Adelaide a victorious look when professor Sprout gave Gryffindors 10 points. Adelaide rolled her eyes and looked away.

"And you, Winchester, can tell us about its uses." Professor Sprout called out, taking her by surprise.

"Oh, yeah well. It can be used for severe acne and used in the brewing of certain potions like the healing potion and fake protective potions." Adelaide responded, giving a Somerset a look but this time he wasn't paying attention and talking with James.

Somerset looked angry and was chastising James, Sirius and Peter it seemed for some reason. They didn't look that bad as before when he would usually call them out for something and James just shrugged arrogantly without a care while Sirius and Peter laughed, he glared at them and turned his back on them. He looked disgusted by whatever they had told him and didn't find it funny.

"...that is why you need to collect its pus. Don't give me that look! Wear your gloves and be careful." When she saw their reluctance, she shouted: "Now! It won't collect itself."

They started squeezing the protrusions and soon a petrol-like odour filled the greenhouse. Adelaide crinkled her nose in disgust at the sight and smell of the pus.

"It's so gross. Just ew." Mary said as she continued squeezing it.

"I can never get used to all the disgusting things we're doing in herbology. It gets worse and worse. I mean, i don't mind dangerous carnivore plants, i rather tame a flesh-eating plant but this..." Alice replied.

"Hey, Lilyflower!" James said as he walked to them at the middle of the class, as Lily glared at him.

"Please Potter, annoy me some other time now, would you? We are in the middle of something." Lily said annoyed by him.

"And what is that? Collecting pus? Come on. Do you want to go out with me? I thought you were going to think about it."

"And yet you boys show us that you don't understand that no means no. I told you then that i will never go out with you, for the hundredth time. If i was going to think about something, that would be getting a restraining order." Lily replied as she glared at him.

"You're very cruel, Evans. If you won't go out with me, i would hex Snivellus again. Your choice." James said while Adelaide stared at him with shock.

"Don't you dare bring him into this now. Do not ever threaten to hex him, i promise you i would hex you before you have the chance. And he can take care of himself, don't worry." Lily replied.

"Now, now James, go away and leave my friend in peace." Adelaide told him, as she saw professor Sprout walking in their direction. James sulked and walked away.

After the lesson finished, Adelaide went to the bathroom to wash her hands for extra precautions and heard someone crying. She looked around and saw no one, so she walked towards the direction of the bathroom stalls and heard the sniffing and crying getting louder.

"Hello? Is someone here?" Adelaide asked quietly as she reached to the bathroom stall that was closed and someone was crying inside.

"Y-yes." A muffled voice spoke up.

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