Chapter 42: Animagus, Severus' Suspicion, The Moaning Myrtle

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School this year was more challenging than the years before and since Adelaide had started pre-reading for her OWLs in the midst of her attempt at trying to conjure a patronus and training her powers, things were chaotic to say the least. Adelaide's patronus was only a big wall of sliver mist at that point and she knew that with more practiced she could be able to do it.

The night before, was the full moon, and it was the time for Adelaide to visit Remus at the hospital. She was wearing her plain white cotton dress and had a bar of dark chocolate in her hands to give to Remus. When she got there, she was shocked to see his friends, all of his friends, those other five Gryffindor boys, were sitting beside him, plotting and speaking amongst themselves with great excitement. When she got near them, they all stopped talking and looked at her.

"Oh, um, hi everyone. Hi Remus. I hope you're doing fine. I have just brought your chocolate here, so I won't interrupt your time with your friends. Bye." She said, turning her back ti the group when she put the chocolate on his nightstand.

"What interruption, Dela? Come on, you're no stranger. Sit with us, if you can that is." Remus offered giving her his usual kind smile.

"I don't have anything of note to do-"

"Excellent! Then sit down."

Adelaide's only choice of sit was beside Somerset, something that she really didn't want to do, so she kept standing where she was, even though she did like to sit.

"What are you waiting for, Adelaide? Steph doesn't bite." Peter said, noting her stiffness and wariness in sitting down.

All of them chuckled, with Frank coughing awkwardly and Somerset ignoring Peter. Adelaide glared at him and sat beside Somerset but she put as much as space as she could between them. Remus, this is all for you. I hope you will sacrifice as much in the future for me, as you owe me one.

"So, Dela, do you know anyone who is an animagi?" Sirius asked her, his curly hair bouncing around when he turned towards her.

"Well, professor Mcgonagall is one."

"Yes, we already know that. Perhaps someone that is not a professor?" Sirius continued.

"No, not really. It's a very rare thing. Many think that the time that they can give towards becoming an animagi can be used to do other things. It is also very complex and difficult to, professor Mcgonagall herself was taught by professor Dumbledore to do so when she was 17. Apparently, mama also wanted to do so, it was something they planned together, but she was very busy so she was never able to do that."

"Oh, i always forget that your mother was best friends with professor Mcgonagall professor Sprout. Do you call professor Mcgonagall by her family name and «professor» even at home or something else?" James asked curiously.

"When we were children, we would call her Minnie, her nickname, but after coming here, even at home, i still call her «professor». Perhaps, when i graduate, i would call her Minnie again. Who knows? So, why are you interested in animagus all of a sudden?"

"Well, since werewolves don't really harm animals, Stephan here figured out that the same thing is true for animagis. So, we have tried from the second year, well from the end of it, till now to become Animagis. To help Remus during that stressful time. Well, that is Peter, James and i, those other two are too much of a goody two-shoes to try to do so." Sirius replied, shocking Adelaide.

"I didn't know that they were going to do such, and when i learnt about it, it was far too late since they were hell-bent on becoming one." Remus explained apologetically.

"Well, Sirius. Frank and i have problem with the fact that you want to be unregistered animagis, and that is illegal. Frank's mother, would be livid if she knew that Frank was doing such, and I didn't stop him and hell, I won't find myself doing such a thing. Then there is the second problem, it can go horribly wrong, you know." Somerset countered.

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