[175.1] SHUT OUT

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THE WIND BLOWS against my face, as I weave through the trees, a blur of tears blinding my vision.

I don't know how I arrived in the camp without escort, or how I got here so quickly, but the dim light of torches caught my eye and I know I'm in the right place.

A low murmur of voices intensifies the closer I get, and I notice the camp is busier, leviathans chatting excitedly amongst themselves.

I see something get taken to the middle tent and I realize it is probably the artifact that Talon spoke of.

Whispers run through the crowd, accompanied by a thrilling rush through the camp. I catch talk of how Raskei was the first to find the artifact.

I suppose she's the star player.

Makes sense.

But I can't think of that right now. My hands are shaky, my breath is short. I-I don't know what to do. I just know I need him.

I need to talk to Harvest.

Somehow, it is only him I can think of who won't judge me. What I've done.

Images of Naala's stiff body fill my head. The Basilisk slithers past us.

I know that it is hypocritical of me.

All I've done is judge him. But I can't help what I feel. Only he can fix it. Ease me. He'll know what to say, what to do.

I spot Raskei throwing her switchblades in the air and catching them by their hilt right opposite the middle tent, back against a tree. Her gaze holds mine as instantly as mine does hers. She's like a hawk, silently watching.

My steps slow, as her eyes stay on me, but she makes no move towards me. I give her a small nod, as friendly and as un-shaky as I can. I don't want her suspecting anything.

She doesn't return the gesture, instead, she refocuses on tossing her blade.

Though the action is cold, I don't expect anything more from Raskei.

My gaze switches back to the middle tent, and I walk towards it, tucking my shaky hands into my jacket, and quickening my pace. I eventually slow, as I approach the entrance of the tent, my heart beating softly.

Voices come through, and my heart skips at the sound of Harvests.

He is talking to the other group of elites that were due for a shift change. I glance at an unbothered Raskei still outside.

I guess she doesn't need the pep talk.

I move closer, my breathing shaky, peering through the slight opening, watching as Harvest moves around the object obscured from view, talking to two other leviathans from the Elite.

Before I can hear what they're saying, a figure blocks my view and my gaze trails upwards, freezing in the familiar cool emerald eyes of Harvests Secondary, John.

I didn't know much about John, only, he seems to be Harvest's second. AKA, the Captain. I had never met or talked to him until now. My guess is he was often associated with the Elite. Perhaps their mentor. The band on his wrist shone Gold. It was my first time standing face to face with a Gold.

He folds his arms, raising an eyebrow, and I step back momentarily.

"You're not eavesdropping are you, Red?" He grunts.

I shake my head quickly, trying to not look too panicked. I was panicking inside. From what I had done.

I just needed to talk to Harvest. He could make it better.

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