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WALKING IN AFTER Lira, My eyes widened at the width of the large gymnasium we were currently in, bleachers stretching on each side.

It was surely a miniature version of the arena, only instead of the dome, there was a large cage at the center, bars stretching even over it.

I took all this in surprise, never having known that there were such rooms like this in The Cube.

My eyes trailed down to the group of greens casually dressed, talking amongst themselves and lounging around the bleachers sparsely spaced.

My gaze met the familiar gaze of Hazel, a smirk growing on the boyish face as he stood up from his friends to his full height.

Lucas Bowne got down from the high bleachers with a short jump, dusting his hands off as he approached us, whilst we walked further in.

His hazel eyes shined with warmth, shifting around the small group headed by Andrew Myers, eyebrows arching momentarily.

"Her?" he asked him.

Andrew nodded, "she knows almost every ability," he replied, with a short grunt, "weakness and strengths."

He glanced at Lira whose gaze moved between the two. I didn't mind that Claire, David, and I were shadows to this conversation because I liked being able to look at Lucas Bowne, still unable to believe that only two days ago he had been a depleted shell of the being before me now, whose was exiting both radiance and dominance at the same time.

I felt a tingle of relief that this was the OK Lucas Bowne.

The one that towered over everyone and everything unapologetically. Broad shoulders, a kind, and yet firm look, and a certain boyish warmth around him.

It was funny how standing in his presence right now, seemed to erase all the dark feelings I had been hoarding inside me since Harvest happened.

"Probability," Lucas stated with a firm nod, eyes studying Lira for a second, "stacking the odds up."

Lira nodded folding her arms, "I calculate how likely it is for a certain event to take place, and how likely it is to be true," she huffed, sounding more technical than ever, using her firm voice, the kind she used when she was talking to Harvest.

"To do that," she continued with a slow sigh, "I put in several factors. In this case, the 'event' is the likelihood that fish boy here-"

Andrew scoffed at that name, whilst humor could be seen echoing in Lucas' eyes as his gaze traveled between them, "can win against a dragon blood, and the factors are both their strengths and their weaknesses," she stated.

Lucas watched her curiously, a mischievous look in his eyes, "and what strength does he possess that Roman doesn't- both have creature physiology," he stated, his tone rounding up to be firmer, eyes still playful though.

"I shouldn't have to tell you that, I'm sure your Amarok has already weighed the pros and cons-"

"I'm asking you," Lucas countered, eyes narrowing down on her, yet not too harshly.

"A test then? I love tests," Lira grinned hands dropping to her side, glancing back at me with humor in her eyes. I chuckled slightly at this, folding my arms, my eyes meeting Lucas' humorous ones for a moment, "see, I tend to ace them," she added, looking right at him, recapturing his gaze, " like a lot," she added, pursing her lips.

Claire and I exchanged looks, whilst David looked not so comfortable.

Then again- he never did when it came to be in the presence of any Alpha, actually, now that I think of it.

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