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"When I return to my throne, the whole world will cower before us, and will repay their debt to us."


Heavy footsteps thundered across the library hallways, dark coats swishing between the aisles, eyes focused on one thing, in particular.

His heart was a steady sturdy beat within him as he passed by a few students who looked up at him, some girls blushing as he moved past them. Even then, he did not spare any of them a glance, as usual, thundering past them.

He traveled deeper into the library, moving to where the sunlight couldn't touch, the small lights hanging on the side of the shelves flickering as he passed as if warning each other that he was back.

He lightly scoffed at the thought- trying to block out the memories of her words, not spoken but written.

He couldn't help that he was dark-natured.

It was what he was.

Finally stopping in front of a dirt-driven shelf, his gaze trailed the books that seemed to have stayed there for a good decade without either being touched or checked out, no less given a good wipe down.

His eyes moved down the row of books, none of them having any names written on the spine to detect what they were about- it was a section of the nameless covered books.

He paused in front of one book, staring up at it, squinting up at the dark book that stood on the uttermost top shelf.

He sighed softly, turning to the side, a hand rubbing his left wrist, spotting the equally crusty-looking ladder that seemed to be made of rotting wood, thick dust-covered on its benches.

He dragged it to the side, climbing up the creaky steps firmly, knowing even if it failed him, his wings wouldn't- eyes finally the same level as the book.

He took a deep breath out, taking the book, a golden shimmer in its middle, symbols on the outskirts, of two wings in gold, painted upside down.

He gulped, his throat dry, opening the book and shifting through the ancient pages, stopping abruptly at a drawing of a circle with the infinity sign on it, ancient scribbling in between the double-circled lines.

He froze at this, glancing down at his wrists for a moment, the markings of the circle tattooed on his skin.

His breathing increased as he slowly watched the infinity shape take shape on his skin, the total marking almost halfway done- he gritted his teeth, shutting the book with a dark sigh.

Stepping off the ladder with the book in his hand he moved away pushing the ladder back and storming off.


He stood at the edge of the court, watching as Raskei practiced her martial arts, her body flowing with the wind as if they were born in the same place.

The stick in her hands swerved with utter ease, as she crouched low, balancing, stalking an invisible prey before striking.

Her punches were hard, her body quick and easy to swerve,  a high kick in the air, landing perfectly on her feet, then crouching back to her previous position, breathing heavily when she stood back to her full height, sweat glistening on her shaven head.

He waited for her as she turned to face him, seemingly not at all surprised at the sight of him, but her expression did alter considerably at the sight of his downcast face.

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