[155] WHISKING AWAY (part-two)

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[Warning: This is a long chapter and does get a little dark. I apologize in advance.]


My eyes widened, my breath harsh against my lips, my heart a low thud as I slowly turned around taking in my surroundings.

I was standing in the heart of the damp forest, the trees closing in on me.

I had only the white tusk in my shaky hands, my mind failing to wrap around the fact that I was somehow- here.

My breathing was almost nonexistent, as I looked up around, heart hammering in my chest.

How did I get here?! I was standing in my room one second ago and the next I was simply here.

That was impossible unless- my eyes dropped to my tusk locked between my quivering fingers.

IT had brought me here. My jaw dropped. Oh my God.

I can't believe I did it, I can't believe I finally did it.

I did It!

The corners of my lips raised unsteadily, letting out a shocked yet slightly proud breath before a heavy crunch behind me brought me to terms with how this was more of a bad situation than a situation to celebrate.

I quickly turned, eyes shifting around for the sight of anything suspicious, taking in my surroundings and startled at the sight of the large trees around me, so different from the usual trees in the forest.

This only meant was much farther in than ever before.

My eyes widened as suddenly my breaths were coming out in short horrified gasps, the trees around me denser than I was used to.

Where was I?

I looked down at the tusk again, a phrase coming into my head.

Take me where I desire.

That's what the task does. It takes me where I desire.

The last thing I thought about was- no-

No way.

Absolutely not!

I looked back up at the trees, moving backward staring at the sky still void of stars in the black sheet we called a sky, large tree branches covering most of it away from being visible.

I was thinking of Harvest and now I was somehwere in the Forest, in the stupid forest on the darkest night Kingsland had ever been.

Feeling a panic coming on, I looked down at the tusk, this time holding it with both hands, closing my eyes breathing harshly, and picturing my room once more.

If it brought me here, it could take me back, right? Right?!!

It had to.

Of course, it HAD to! I was not spending another night in this forest!

Nothing good ever came of it!

A shiver traveled down my spine as the creepy wind brushed my skin.

No PLEASE. NOT TONIGHT. NOT this night. It was downright scary here.

I just couldn't remember the trees being this tall or so close apart. My eyes opened, still in my surroundings, my heart beating wildly as a thought crossed my mind, frantically shaking my head.

I hoped I wasn't in the farthest part of fare born where the—

The close loud howl of a wolf chilled me to the bone, the hairs on my arms standing at full attention- and I quickly darted behind the closest tree, sucking in a breath as I heard a low growl, footsteps approaching, and a sniffing noise.

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