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"He has some sort of hypnotism powers, makes You believe in whatever he says once you're hypnotized."


THERE WAS A pounding in my head that didn't want to stop. I tried opening my eyes but my head hurt way too much to keep them open.

I could barely make out what looked like a shadowy figure at the edge of what seemed to be a bed, the sunlight streaking through the window, too bright for me to keep my eyes open and so I closed them drifting off to sleep again.


I woke up to chattering, or what seemed like scolding-

"Don't fluff it like that!" someone was whisper yelling right above my ear, "give it to me, I'll do it, damn reds," came the huff and I could feel their breath fanning my neck, and the swish of hair against my skin before my head was propped up awkwardly to what felt like a pillow.

My eyebrows arched, opening my eyes coming face to face with Lira who was hovering over me, trying to adjust my pillow.

"See, you woke her miss know it all," David's voice scoffed to my side and my eyes traveled momentarily to where he was standing by the edge of the bed. 

Claire moved toward me, sitting by the side of my bed, "Hey T!" she yelled excitedly.

Too loudly actually, I felt myself recoil, closing my eyes, trying to stop the ringing in my ears the sleepy droopy feeling behind my eyes.

"She's right there, why are you shouting?" Lira huffed taking a seat close to my bed

My eyes reopened now able to see all three of them in one shot, even if my eyelids draped over my eyes in a shield-like curtain.

I raised a hand, trying to ask where I was. Claire who sat directly in my line of sight, leaned in looking as if she was trying to read me-

"Wait-" she paused me looking around, "where's her notebook?" she asked David and Lira.

"Probably in her bag," David replied casually-

"Okay..." she trailed off looking at him as if he was crazy, "and WHERE is her bag?" she asked and they all seemed to be look around for it, Lira suddenly slapping her forehead, my eyes traveling to her.

"It's probably still in the training room," she huffed, "I forgot to get it, I should get it," she finally decided to get up.

I raised my hand trying to get some attention,

"She's trying to say something," Claire commented moving closer, Lira glancing down at me.

David sighed, "Let me do it, she can sign and I'll translate," he offered before he shrugged, "well as best as I can," he added.

My eyes trailed up to him holding his gaze, not at all sure he was a master in sign language yet but he had been doing well so far and he was the best bet I could get.

With my head elevated on the pillow, looking down at my friends I was able to sign the one question that was bugging me.

'What. Am. I.  Doing.  here?" David asked slowly on my behalf, his eyebrows arching as he tried to understand the signs I was carving in the air.

His eyes trailed to mine as if waiting for me to mark a test and I nodded slowly, although everything inside me felt undeniably numb.

"Yes I got it!" he screeched, pumping his fist in the air, a wide smile on his face.

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