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"He's obsessed with the old gods."


IF IT WASN'T for his eyes betraying the depletion of his former self, I would have thought he looked slightly better, standing straighter and firmer.

His pale lips and the stray strand of silky hair that tossed the side of his face were still a reminder that despite his obvious condition, he was still dominant in some strange way.

I found myself looking away from him, knowing the last time we spoke I had distinctively asked him to stay away from me.

It was of course, after the decisions I had made realizing that apart from the twins, growing closer to both Harvest and Lucas hadn't helped me in the long run.

Instead, I had managed to make an enemy out of Daya, which would have been bearable if at all, she hadn't been my roommate.

However, since this was not the case.

I found myself in a similar position with David, simply sleeping with one eye open as our roommates were not on the accommodating end.

At this point, all I wanted her to do was ignore me like she had done before.

To her, I was glad to be non-existent.

Mr. Ogustus was the first to break the silence.

"Ah, Lucas," he began, a slight shimmer in his eyes, "I expected you yesterday," he huffed, eyebrows drawing together and yet he didn't sound much alarmed.

I didn't look up even when he answered, still feeling his strong hazel gaze on me,

"I had something to...fix," he trailed off.

My eyes shifted slightly to Mr. Ogustus who raised a bushy eyebrow, "I assume it wasn't near the others?"

Lucas grunted something that I suspected meant no.

"I hate to remind you, but sadly it is my duty," Mr. Ogustus chuckled, wrinkles developing on the corners of his eyes, and I risked a glance at Lucas who was looking at Mr. Ogustus for a moment, eyes narrowed- before his sharp gaze suddenly shifted back to me

I held it for a moment, before feeling more uncomfortable, glancing at Mr. Ogustus.

"Oh, I suppose introductions are in order-" Mr. Ogustus began, glancing from Lucas to me with a bright smile.

"No need, Talanda and I are already acquainted," Lucas replied almost immediately.

Mr. Ogutus's smile faltered a little, a thoughtful look crossing his features accompanied by a surprised one.

"Ah," he began whilst I took in a calming breath, but timidly nodded a yes when his thoughtful gaze met mine in silent questioning.

"I see," he grunted with a slight nod, eyes shining as his eye traveled to Lucas, whose eyes I could still feel on me.

"Well," Mr. Ogutus continued once again breaking the silence, "I found this youngling in the hallways and open spaces," he grunted, "bored out of her mind it seemed, I suggested a place where she could be somewhat entertained," he huffed, placing both hands on his cane.

"However, in truth, my old age allows my energy to entertain only one," he shrugged, his tone drifting off, "but since you're here, and you require company as you do claim to be dosed of the same, Why don't you both entertain each other," he finished grinning encouragingly, glancing between us.

THESE HIDDEN WINGSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora