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"And I suppose you're also going to say that taking a swim with a bloody siren was my fault too?"


I DIDN'T KNOW when I fell asleep. It could have been right after Miss Moonshine stuck a mega-size needle in my arm.

Probably then, because I could still feel the sore spot as my eyes fluttered open, drinking in the darkness that surrounded me, only illuminated by the bedside lamp that sat beside my bed.

I didn't make a point to move, allowing my eyes to adjust to the light. It was already evening, and the sun was a mere highlight in the sky, darkness consuming the rest of the night sky.

"Good, you're awake."

My ears pricked up at the sound of the voice, blinking rapidly to make out the figure that hid halfway in the shadows across my room, leaning against the wall in the darkness of the beds across me that were, fortunately, patientless and therefore not illuminated by their bed lights.

I breathed out slowly as the figure pushed from the walls, finally walking into a part of the room that was at least touched by my single light.

Harvest stood before me, his eyes trailing down my figure and my eyebrows arched feeling a little more creeped out than I usually felt around him.

Had he been watching me sleep?

My eyes watched him attentively widening with each step he took closer to me, a frown wedging against my face even though any slight movement of my joints ached like crazy.

He walked right up to me, lowering his head down so close I had to push my head back into the pillow to avoid our foreheads bumping or even worse- our lips accidentally touching.

Just the thought made my stomach turn, eyes wide, his face an inch away from me, the trinket dangling from his neck a few inches above my nose.

His eyes trailed around my face, momentarily, his hot breath fanning my face, his eyes narrowed in mine, "How does it feel to come close to death twice?" he huffed before standing straighter, tucking his hands in his coat, "I swear you're like a magnet for trouble," he muttered lowly to himself but I caught it quite alright.

My frown deepened.

Me? A magnet for trouble?

Well maybe he was kind of right, but in this equation, HE WAS THE TROUBLE.

I was only falling into all this mess because of him and ha! He was wrong about one thing at least that should go on record.

I have been close to dying thrice not twice, but he couldn't know that.

But maybe he should know, maybe he should know that his stubbornness was the reason I almost drowned in a lake by A FRICKIN SIREN, and why ALL MY BONES felt hollow and why ALL MY JOINTS ached to the core.

I reached the point that maybe I would even prefer a peaceful passing over into the afterlife than having my body feel like it was run over by a FRICKIN TANK.

Even Zali had never overworked me like this. I felt like a corpse breathing.

My mind was a crumbling mess and all that was echoing through me was only the result of the one person my mind blamed with all its strength.

The person in front of me now.

I breathed out lowly, man I had never felt this mad in my life.

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