[8.1] CLAIRE LIN (part-two)

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"Everything her hands touched turned to frost."


ROAMING DOWN THE hallways, I was very relieved that the stares had finally stopped, figuring out it was indeed the gown I had worn before that drew all the attention toward me. After all, let's face it, it did scream, 'New girl'.

We turned into a rather large hallway, the entrance to the outside illuminated its center with the afternoon sun. My eyebrows furrowed at the sight of boys walking through the passageway on the opposite side, wondering what they were doing in the girls' dorm when Daya clearly said-

"I know what you're thinking," Clair began with a slight chuckle, her hands clasped behind her back, seeming to have been reading my expressions as we walked. She was a very attentive girl I gathered, watching my every expression to see if she could decipher what it was, I wanted to say. She was the first person that didn't treat me differently well, she did, but like I was an interesting puzzle she couldn't wait to decipher.

"yes, those are the boys' dorms."

I stopped in my tracks at this information. The boys' dorms were attached to the girls' dorms! Was Daddy serious? How could he put hormonal teenagers all in one place? I mean, that was the main problem but what if something went amiss and the boys-

Stop being paranoid. Stop being insecure. I tried to assure myself.

Clair moved forward turning to me with a half-smirk firing the last bullet,

"And yes, I've seen a few in our dorms. I don't think it's allowed, but there are way too many students here to keep track of it all," she tilted her head to the side, moving back towards me, grabbing my hands completely oblivious to the small panic attack I was having.

I didn't do well amongst the boys. No scratch that, actually that would only apply if I had the chance to test that theory, which I hadn't.

I didn't do boy's period.

"c'mon," she pushed.

I could tell she was eager to be outside as now she finally had a reason to be. I was also glad to be that reason, allowing my worries to slip away when I found myself bathing in her excitement the moment the sunlight hit my skin, and the fresh air buzzed past me in a gentle wind.

We followed the stoned pathway, my eyes taking in the sight of the treasure that was Kingsland.

Finding ourselves in a large ground, littered with students, lounging on the green grass and beneath the few trees spaced out here and there, catching the sight of two buildings, Claire proceeded to explain, holding my full attention.

"These are the King's Courts," Claire introduced, "from what I've seen so far," she continued, glancing over at me as we walked, "it's a playground for teens," she chuckled.

I found myself inwardly chuckling at that comment.


I'm around people my age. I couldn't tell if I'd do great amongst them, but so far, Claire seemed to like my company that's if she wasn't faking.

" I don't think there's anything else to do around here during free time, but yesterday in the King's Gardens," she explained her voice diming into a whisper like she was telling a secret, "There was a bonfire and students were just like you know, "hanging out."

A sly grin invaded her face, one I didn't quite understand. She must have noticed because she laughed for a good 5 seconds, "Let me give you a full tour of the Crown."

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