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This was his type of girl, and I was far from it.


I WALKED down the girl's hallway, my fist clenched in excitement, my head low as I tried to get to my room, my mind spinning in disbelief over what I had done, what I had accomplished.

It felt so good and yet my heart was thumping wildly from within me.

I knew he was far away from me, but I still couldn't risk looking back.

All I wanted to do was get to the safety of my room. Passing by random girls who walked the hallway, l rubbed my arm head low as if they would somehow sense what it was I had done until I was right in front of my door.

I wiggled the handle walked in, turned around, and closed it.

My forehead leaned against the door, holding a breath, my hand over my chest as I tried to regular my breathing.

"Good. You're here," a voice stated causing me to twirl around in surprise, my heart thundering within me, my face falling when I spotted Daya.

She sat on her bed, a book on her lap which she snapped closed, eyes on me as she got to her feet.

I closed my eyes momentarily, before staring at the ground.

I had forgotten about Daya. Dang it.

My mind fluttered back to what she had seen and how angry she was about Lucas, the argument they both had.

I pursed my lips momentarily,

"It's always the ones that look innocent that are the worst of them all. Not even Lira was bad," she grunted causing me to snap back at her.

Lira? They had been roommates?

Before I could contemplate this further, she continued as I watched her, folding her arms before me, and standing a few feet away from me in the center of the room.

She was fully dressed, her hair done as flawlessly as usual.

"I don't know what you did to Lucas, or what poison you've fed him about me, but I'll give you one more chance to redeem yourself-" she gritted out taking a step forward her green eyes shining with what I could only describe as both disgust and anger.

When she was right before me, her jaw clenched as her eyes pinned mine.

"Let me make one thing clear, Lucas is mine." she gritted out, "and there is no way in heaven, on earth, or even your little fantasies that he would ever be with someone like you." Her words were sharp and whilst I tried to let it not affect me, I couldn't help the part of me that agreed with her.

I mean why would Lucas Bowne be with me? I was..well me.

He didn't know who I truly was, so didn't even have my royalty status to that advantage.

All he could see was a plain, mute short girl with wild untamable curls, compared to the goddess of beauty that Daya Lawrence was.

I tried hard to be confident but it was a pretty hard thing to do when you were standing beside a girl who could be Victoria's secret model.

This was his type of girl, and I was far away from it.

"He's just whinnying that I'm busy now with the blood moon and the king's trials, and that's the only reason he even entertains the likes of you. I mean think about it," she chuckled amusement dancing in her eyes, " above all the girls on Kingsland, he chose to get closer to you- my roommate?" she laughed at this, "It's so obvious I can't believe you can be this fucking dumb. But I'll spell it out for you. He's doing all of this just wanted to grab my attention."

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