Chapter 47 - Memories

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"I could help you if you would tell me."

"I told you to stop asking about it!" Her voice raises in anger, slamming her hand down on the table. The liquid in her glass sways dangerously close to the edge, nearly spilling over the desk. "Are you that stupid to get that shit in your little brain."

I press my lips together, angling my head down to the floor. "I'm sorry, mommy. I- I just wanted to help you-"

"Oh my god, are you literally crying right
now?," My mother laughs sarcastically, "You're not helping me, y/n, you're useless."

"I'm...I'm sorry, mom." I sniffle, trying to hug her leg, pressing my wet cheek against her jeans. "Please, don't be angry with me."

She shoves me to the side, turning around. Falling down on the floor with the sudden shove, I bite back my tears that threaten to spill out of my eyes.

"Get out of my sight, I can't even look at you."


I try to rub the sleep out of my eyes, quietly yawning as I sit up from the bed. My head is still pounding, muscles aching from all the turning, never finding a comfortable position to sleep in.

With heavy steps I move to my drawer, pulling out a simple outfit which consists of an oversized sweater and a pair of jeans.

Kim steps out of the bathroom and greets me with a warm smile. She's already in her clothes, finished leaving for her first class. But like always, she waits for me, even though we don't have the first class together. Disappearing into the bathroom, I change into the clothes and brush my teeth.

"He's here." Makayla whispers, nodding into the direction she looked at. "And he's looking right at us."

I gulp, an uncomfortable feeling overcoming me as Lizzie directly stares at me, eyes holding something like fear in them.

"Just stay here and wait with my sisters until I'm back." Lizzie says, giving her sister a stare that tells her to not let me out of her sight. "I'll be right back."

"Wha-" I begin, but Lizzie already turns around, leaving me behind with an open mouth, making her way to the stranger.

I shake my head, leaning downwards to splash some cold water on my face. Visually, I try to picture the stranger before me, remembering his tall stature and the hard features on his face that were barely visible from the distance.

Was that man her father?

I turn the water off, the water drops running over my skin, down in the sink. Pressing my fingers against my eyes, I groan, memories of the event rushing back to me.

I squint my eyes together, noticing a tall man with a woman at his hand standing before Lizzie. Her posture is unusually lowered, her head not held high like she always does.

A loud knock against the door pulls me out of my racing thoughts. "Y/n? Are you ready, the class is about to start in 20 minutes and if you don't get your ass out of this bathroom we'll be late."

"I'm already coming." I respond, rolling my eyes and quickly drying off my face. "You shouldn't have waited for me then, Kim."

"You know that I always wait for you."

Rushing through the door, I put on my jacket and grab my bag. For a short second, my eyes land on the scarf that lies on my bed, trying to decide if I should wear it. Choosing to leave it there, I turn around, facing Kim, who stands in front of the door, waiting for me.

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