Chapter 3 - Unfocused

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"Do you think the new English professor would be into me?"

Kim snorts. After a few seconds she looks up from her notebook after receiving no laugh from me, believing I made a joke.

"Wait- Are you serious?," she questions with disbelief.

Staring at the ceiling, I close my eyes reliving the last conversation with each other.

"Is that so?"

Remembering her voice I feel myself getting flustered and I clench my hands into fists, embarrassment clouding my mind at my childish behavior. Since when am I the one to be swooning over someone.

"What if I am." I roll myself onto my stomach and stare at her challengingly.

In response, she rolls her eyes at me, still not taking me seriously. Kim opens her mouth like she wants to say something but I cut her off before she gets a chance.

"Do I not look desirable?," I pout.

Maybe she doesn't like younger women. Wait. I don't even know if she likes women. Ugh. Why must this be so hard?

"Since when are you so self-conscious?"

"I'm not. I just- I don't know," I sigh, pushing a strand of hair out of my face. "Everything feels so foggy. I can't think straight anymore and it's driving me nuts."

Confusion has been constantly washing over me since she came into my life, making me feel like I'm drowning. My thoughts of her only pulling me deeper into the dark void. Lurking me in.

"Hey, y/n," she says, drawing my attention back to her. "Don't doubt yourself. You look magnificent."

At that, I instantly smile. Her reassurance makes me feel better in my skin. Even though she can't really understand the situation I'm in, she knows how to make me feel lighter. But me being me, I would never tell her that.

"Slow down, bitch. Sounds like you're crushing on me," I tease her, breaking the comfortable silence that settled between us.

"You did not just say that." Kim purses her lips, a tiny furrow between her brows as she stares pointedly at me.

"I did."

"I only wanted to make you feel better."

I raise my eyebrows and smirk at her mischievously.

As a result she throws a pillow at me, hitting me on my head. "You're unbelievable," she declares loudly with a sigh.

We both continue to work on our assignments. Besides that, she is actually working. I mindlessly flip through my notes, randomly highlighting sentences that I'll probably never look at again.

God, I seriously need to concentrate.

"Answering your question from before," comes Kim's voice from beside me. "I know that you fancy her. Everyone can see that but are you sure it isn't just attraction." She asks me flicking through the pages of her book.

There it is again. Her proper mindset regarding my exasperating behavior.

"Yeah, you're probably right," I nod.

Right. Keep telling yourself that, y/n. Maybe it will catch on someday and you'll actually believe it.


I'm the first one to walk into the classroom. Earlier than in my whole school career. Slowly stepping inside, I notice that I'm not exactly the first person but the first student. Already setting up her table, Ms. Hathaway looks up at me in surprise.

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