Chapter 43 - Lovebirds

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I slowly wake up with the feeling of someone leaving butterfly kisses all over my skin, hair falling over my face, making me smile.

"It's time to wake up, sleeping beauty." Lizzie whispers, nudging her nose against mine and leaving a swift kiss on it.

My eyes flutter open, taking in her sleep mussed hair and rosy lips, the light that falls into the room too bright for my sensitive eyes.

"Not yet." I groan, squeezing my eyes shut, stretching my legs. "A few more minutes, beastie."

Lizzie pulls back, clicking her tongue and looking at me with raised brows. "Beastie?"

I hum, nodding with a small grin. "Yeah. Don't you like your new nickname?"

Her fingers trace over my collarbone. "I call you beautiful and you call me beastie. What do you think?"

"Well, beastie, take a look in the mirror. You resemble it more than an angel with your hair all mussed." I whisper, my hand patting her strands that stand up from her usual appearance, making me smile. "Besides, if I'm the beauty, you're the beast."

Pushing me into the bed, her hands come down to my stomach, body rolling on top of me. She tickles me, making me screech, body wiggling to turn out of her grasp.

"God." I try to catch my breath, trapped under her. "I can't-"

She doesn't slow down her tickling, grinning down on me with a toothy smile. "Apologize."

Another laugh escapes my mouth, shaking my head, regretting it instantly as she finds the spot that makes me lose control over my body's reaction.

"Alright I'm sorry." I gasp out between fits of laughter, her hands instantly stopping.

Breathing out in relief, I rest my head back on the cushion, waiting for her to get off me, but Lizzie leans back, sitting on my thighs and not making any moves to lay down beside me again.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Lizzie sighs.

"That was a cruel thing to do," I whisper, "That was more punishment than I deserved."

Lizzie grins, pouting innocently and leaning down against me. "I'm sorry, but what else was I supposed to do? You enjoy spanking way too much to be viewed as a punishment."

"True..." I move my hands to her hips, pressing her further against me. "But you enjoy it just as much."

Lizzie looks at me with a lust-filled glint, biting down on her lip. My eyes move between her eyes and mouth, waiting for her to close the distance. Lips parting I push myself up the mattress, her hips rolling against me teasingly as she inches backwards.

I groan, grabbing her waist tighter, trying to press her against me, but her hands push me down in one swift movement.

"Rude." I exclaim, a soft giggle escaping her mouth.

"Darling, as much as I want to kiss you... You smell terribly, so you need to brush your teeth before you get the pleasure."

Without another word, she rolls on her back again, my eyes widening. Realizing that my mouth still hands open I close it instantly, a soft blush spreading over my cheeks.

I quickly get off the bed, rushing to the bathroom to hide my embarrassment and to brush my teeth. When I'm done, I walk back into the room, her smile widening as she stares at me, book in her hand.

"Did you just rush into the bathroom to brush your teeth?" Lizzie lays her book on the mattress, chuckling as she sees my face. "So obedient. Why the sudden change of mi-"

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