Chapter 9 - The Invitation

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I smooth down the black skirt with one hand while leaning closer to the mirror. The person in the reflection looks a bit different from my usual appearance which is with less makeup and more off a baggy outfit.

Nowadays, I catch myself trying to draw more eyes onto me. Actually, I don't care about who pays attention to me, unless it is a certain English professor.

The increase of effort started happening when I noticed her nervous state around me, yesterday's encounter only verified it. The way she stared at me with those lustful eyes, her breathing irregular, fulfilling the wish that seemed so far out of reach. Since then, I can't stop thinking about yesterday.

Throwing a last glance in the mirror, satisfied with what I am seeing, I exit the bathroom and grab my black purse. With quick steps I head out the dorm, a bit later than I planned, getting lost in my morning routine for the day.

Now I walk down the sidewalk through the park, breathing in the warm air, the bird chirping in the trees while the sun shines brightly through the leaves. In the distance I can already see the main building, standing tall in comparison to the surrounding shops, the windows sparkling brightly with sunlight.

My eyes scan the surrounding area, skimming over other students, looking for a blonde woman with piercing green eyes that make my heart beat twice as fast as humanly expected.

Usually she sits on the bench with her  cup of coffee, but today she isn't there, the realization instantly dimming my mood, feeling disappointed.

Why do I care so much? I couldn't get a grip on me, my mind always drifting off to her.

Maybe she is avoiding me, because of yesterday's encounter.

I know that it was a bit too forward, something one shouldn't do to their Professor. Still, I don't regret what I did. Even though it was very risky, and I was not sure about how her response would be.

What I didn't expect was how she acted like she wanted me as much as I wanted her. This caught me off guard, thinking she would push me away or say something to make me stop.

"Hey, girl." James greets me with a hard slap against my back, making me yelp.

"God," I exclaim, "Don't startle me like that."

He steps in front of me with an apologetic smile on his face, wearing a gray hoodie with basic black jeans. His brown hair tucked in a black beanie, so the messy hair wouldn't be noticed.

Now that's a regular outfit for college, not like my clothing being tight and inordinate.

As if he thinks the same, he looks me up and down, raising an eyebrow. My heart hammering in my chest, not looking forward to his next choice of words, knowing that he is aware of my different appearance.

"Uhm..Is today a special day I didn't know of," he chuckles.

Then he stares at me with wide eyes, his eyebrows raising in question.

"Don't tell me it's your birthday. You know how bad I am at remembering those."

"Firstly, I would kill you if you forgot my birthday, so if it were today, you wouldn't be standing there anymore. So no, it's not." I voice out bitterly, poking him in his shoulder, throwing him an offended gaze.

"Secondly, why can't I dress up a bit? Can't I look pretty without any side comments." I pout, looking at him with flickering eyes.

"No, you can. I just thought you dressed up to impress, so I just wondered."

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