Chapter 11 - Regret

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Lizzie's POV

"Liar." I husk, feeling her pulse pounding rapidly under my forefinger.

She shudders, and I can feel the movement beneath my finger, my smile widening. Her cheeks flush a lovely shade of pink, lips parting, drawing my gaze to them, feeling captivated.

A weak breath escapes her mouth, eyes fluttering, pupils blown, eyes like an endless void of blackness.

How bad I want to let myself fall. Leaving every doubt behind, every rational thought, and following my heart. Faintly, I hear my inner voice screaming to me to pull back. The reasonable voice wants to prevent any more things from happening.

Behave. This is wrong. You can't.

But my dizzy mind doesn't listen to it, my inner voice getting quieter with every passing second. I don't register anything anymore, the guests outside are long forgotten, the reason why I'm actually here is not important.

Suddenly the door to the hallway swings open, light pouring in the dark closet, exposing us to the prying eyes we wanted to avoid.

I instantly take a step backwards, my hand letting go of her soft skin, already missing the contact.

"This went faster than I had expected."

Aubrey stands in the doorway, eyebrows raised in surprise. Her eyes bounce between us. Y/n's body presses against the wall and me standing still too near before her, clearly not making an innocent picture.

My breath catches in my throat, being caught like a kid who stole candy from the bowl it wasn't allowed to. Only this situation is ten times worse.

"You two really should get a room when you want to continue...whatever this is." She points with a finger to us. Her voice drips with amusement.

At her statement, it finally hits me. Realization of what I nearly did pouring down on me, like a cold buckle of water, drenching me in embarrassment. My stomach turns feeling sickness seeking into my bones.

What did I do?

My eyes go wide, shocked. I try to search y/n's gaze, wanting to see her reaction. She seems frozen in place, like a deer in the headlights, eyes still on Aubrey. My heart clenches, not knowing what to do.

As if she can feel my look, she shyly turns her head to me, an expression in her eyes that I can't read. The only thing I do know is that she feels uncomfortable. A feeling that we both share right now.

She gulps. "I- I need to go."

Her eyes are still locked on mine, her voice quiet, as if she is talking to herself. I can't bring myself to muster any sentence out. Y/n steps out of the room, trying her hardest to not brush accidentally against me. The action like a knife stabbing in my heart.

Before she is out of the door, she turns back around. "Thanks for the invitation, Aubrey." Her voice sounds still shaken. She pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath. When she continues, it's stronger.

"I'll text you."

Then she is out of the door, leaving me and Aubrey in the hallway. It takes me a while to regain my breath, my skin still burning, itching with electricity.

"Girl, I didn't think you would instantly jump her bones. But on the other hand, I know that you're desperate for it." Aubrey teases with a smile.

"I-." I stutter out with a sight, lost for words.

I press my hands as hard as I can against my eyes. Wanting to shield myself from reality. Still standing in the closet, I feel the urge to just close the door, to avoid Aubrey's mischievous glinting eyes.

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