Chapter 26 - I want you

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My eyes flutter open, the first rays of sunshine bathing the bedroom in an orange light, feeling well-rested than I have felt in a long time even though the headache is killing me.

Smiling into the pillow, I exhale quietly, the feeling of a good night of sleep settling in my bones making the pounding of my head more bearable.

I shift a little, wanting to get back to sleep, but something trapped over my waist makes me stop instantly.

Opening my eyes I immediately realize that someone is full-on spooning me, legs curled together, arm wrapped securely around my waist, head resting on the same pillow and a gentle breath skimming over my neck.

I freeze in place.

Taking in a breath I carefully turn my head around, looking over my shoulder seeing the messy blonde hair falling over the face of none other than Ms Hathaway. At the sight of her the memories of last night slowly rush back to me, little puzzle pieces filling in the missing blanks of how I've gotten into her bed.

Her breath is slow, showing that she is still asleep, but I don't know what to do.

Biting my lip, I try to think about my next movements, knowing that if I move away she would most likely wake up, followed by awkwardness.

On the other hand pretending to be asleep would also result in the same scenario, but then I wouldn't be the one in the awkward position since she is the one holding me.

Trying to ease my breathing, taking shallow breaths I pretend to be asleep, hoping that when she wakes up she would move and not talk about it.

Relaxing in the comfort of the moment, I can only think about how nice it is to be held by her, not wanting it to end.

After a few minutes I feel her shift behind me, her breathing growing deeper, fingers unconsciously twitching against my waist.

My stomach flexes as her hand moves an inch downwards, desire shooting through my body.
I press my lips together, holding back a sigh that wants to escape. Sticking to my plan to act asleep, I don't move and wait for her to fully wake up.

Hearing her breath hitch a little and her arm lifting carefully away, a small smile edges on my face, feeling her scoot away from my body without disrupting the covers that we lay under.

The mattress shifts as she quietly stands up, hearing her walk through the room and close the door shut, disappearing into the bathroom.

With a small groan I turn around, laying on my back staring to the ceiling.
I close my eyes, furrowing my eyebrows together, listening to any sounds that come out of the bathroom. The sound of the shower being turned on fills the silence and I exhale quietly, knowing she wouldn't come out of the room for a few more minutes.

Turning back around, I close my eyes, drifting into a light slumber. I wake up to the clattering of something from downstairs, the smell of coffee pulling me out of my dreams. Stretching my hands above my head I let out a satisfied groan, the delicate feeling that washes through the body only once in the morning making me sigh.

After a couple of minutes I go inside her bathroom, washing my face and grabbing a brush to tame my hair. I search for a toothbrush in her cabinet, cleaning my teeth until they are white and shiny. Looking in the mirror, I take in a deep breath before walking down the stairs, following the soft sizzle of something being poured into a pan.

Soft music reaches my ears, the smell of coffee becoming stronger with every step I take further to the room.

When I glance in the room, my stomach grows warm, seeing Ms Hathaway stand before the stove, body slightly swaying to the music, humming softly to the lyrics.

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