Chapter 29 - Afterwards

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"I'll get you a cup of water, you must be thirsty."

I hum in agreement, chest heaving as I try to catch my breath, my whole body pulsating. She stands up from the bed, her bare backside turned to me as she grabs her blouse off the floor, pulling it on.

She looks even better than this morning, if that is even possible, her hair sleep-mussed in a way that suits her and her lips still a little swollen. I catch myself licking my lips, appreciating the sight in front of me.

When she leaves the room, I stretch my hands over my head, the delicious feeling between my thighs making me groan.

Grabbing the shirt that I wore during the night from the floor, I pull it over my head, not wanting to be fully naked anymore.

I sit back down on the bed, thinking about the fact that if someone had told me that I spent the night at her house let alone sleeping with her, I wouldn't have believed it,

But now sitting in her bedroom, muscles still aching from the previous activities I'm not so sure anymore.

My phone rings, James' name appears in the display and I take a deep breath, sorting my thoughts, answering the incoming call.

"Good morning, James."

"Are you still drunk or what? It's already four in the afternoon, y/n."

My eyes widen, looking at the time on my phone to be sure he isn't joking with me. And he didn't lie, the display showing 4:06pm.

It's already that late. How long did we stay in bed? I seriously have forgotten any feeling of time while we lost ourselves in the pleasure.

"I'm not drunk anymore. I just slept pretty long, so I forgot the time." I explain, standing up from the bed, walking up to the glass wall, taking in the warmth from the sun.

"Right. Did you get home alright? I didn't see you after you had your little talk with Ms. Hottie and thought you left the club afterwards."

"Yeah, everything went smoothly. You don't need to worry."

The sound of an ambulance reaches my ears, making me slightly jump at the sudden break of silence.

"Alright, that's go-." He stops, not speaking for a few seconds. "Where are you? I don't hear an ambulance and our rooms are basically beside each other."

I gulp, looking out of the window over the city. "What do you mean I'm in my room?"

"Wait-," he whispers, "Are you where I think you are."

The silence that follows is answer enough.

"Is she there?" James asks, voice holding a teasing tone, making me visibly see his amused grin before my eyes.

I roll my eyes. "No..."

"Is she taking a shower," he whispers.

"No- and back off, don't think about her taking a shower"

"Fine, fine. But still, you went home with her after the club, yeah?"

I sigh. "Yes, I went over to her place because I forgot my key and I didn't want to wake Kim up at such a late hour."

James snorts, disbelieving. "Sure, you forgot your key. So she took you home? And did she take good care of you?"

"James, I was drunk, she didn't take advantage of me if that's what you think."

"That's not what I meant, I believe she is trustworthy in that department.
So you want to tell me you are at her place and nothing happened yet."

"Not exactly, she made me breakfast."

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