C116 - Powering Up

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Xiong Ye was anxious, and consequently the speed at which he built the raft was very fast. It wasn’t long before the raft was complete.

He pushed the raft out into the sea, intending to go out and start searching.

Xiong Qi and the others all spoke up, “Chief, I’m going too.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“Me too.”

Xiong Ye refused them all. “No, you guys stay here.”

“I’ll go with you.” Zhu Zhan said. Those low level Beast Warriors would be useless if they encountered danger, but he might be of help to Xiong Ye if they encountered danger.

“Thanks.” Xiong Ye also acknowledged this point and immediately thanked him for his help. He then went over to One-Eyed Wolf and dislocated the joints on both her arms and legs––after he and Zhu Zhan left, the strongest person left here would be One-Eyed Wolf. He wanted to prevent this person from doing anything bad.

One-Eyed Wolf had her joints dislocated and started to curse loudly. Seeing this, Xiong Ye had someone gag her mouth and tie her up.

One-Eyed Wolf: “……”

Xiong Ye and Zhu Zhan boarded the raft together and started to paddle.

Neither of them had rowed a boat before and weren’t very skilled at it. At first, they were only able to turn the raft around and around while remaining in the same place, but after trying it a few times, Xiong Ye learned how to do it and they finally started moving the raft forward.

Waves came and splashed up onto the raft, but it could at least remain floating on the water… Xiong Ye and Zhu Zhan were each on one side of the raft, working hard to move the raft.

Xiong Ye didn’t say a single word during this time. Zhu Zhan wasn’t very accustomed to this silence, “Xiong Ye, don’t worry. The Sea God of the Beach Tribe hasn’t returned, which means that Zhou Ji won.”

“Yes, he won.” Xiong Ye agreed, then took a deep breath and looked at Zhu Zhan.

One-Eyed Wolf had spoken many provocative things earlier. Xiong Ye was worried that Zhu Zhan would start to dislike Zhou Ji, so he said, “There must be a reason for why Zhou Ji hasn’t helped you. I think that there’s something wrong with him when he turns into his animal form. Perhaps this kind of powerful strength is beyond his control.”

Now that Xiong Ye had mentioned this, Zhu Zhan also felt that this made sense.

To speak of nothing else, just taking into account the time when the Giant Tiger Tribe was utterly destroyed as an example…

At the time, Zhou Ji could have secretly killed all of the people of the Giant Tiger Tribe. If he had done so, they would probably have never discovered this matter at all. Yet, what had happened in the end? Zhou Ji had caused such a large disturbance, and not only had he destroyed the Giant Tiger Tribe, he had also killed a lot of dinosaurs and wrecked a whole stretch of forest.

He could ignore Zhou Ji killing all the dinosaurs, but what was the point in wrecking a forest? This was obviously a little strange. And his means back then had really been too cruel and too crazy…

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