C87 - Pottery Pot

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Regarding barley, not only did these former slaves who had just arrived at the tribe not understand it, in fact, even those who had originally been involved in the planting and tending of the barley didn’t know much about it.

Last time, the Beast God had shown them a miracle and matured the barley in the tribe all at once. The vast majority of barley from that batch had then been used as seeds for this current batch.

Not only that, when it came to collecting barley, the priest had done it all himself.

After all, it had been a miracle!

Due to these reasons, the people of the tribe didn’t understand the barley harvesting process at all. Now that Zhou Ji told them that the barley was ready for harvest, they all gathered together, wanting to know how to collect it.

That day just happened to be a day where the hunting team didn’t go out for the collective hunt. Xiong Ye and Zhou Ji were standing side by side as they looked at a large stretch of barley in front of them, and Xiong Ye missed Zhou Ji’s flatbread quite a lot.

This barley had been brought back by Zhou Ji, so Zhou Ji’s portion would be very large… He felt that he would have many opportunities to eat flatbread, and he could perhaps even enjoy some other foods that were made from barley.

“It’s time to harvest the barley!” The priest said, “Some of the stronger people should come over and pull out the barley to bring back to the tribe!”

He had studied this before, and only picking out the stalks was too troublesome. It required cutting, and they didn’t have the tools for that, so he simply told people to bring it all back.

“We’ll pull it out!” Many people responded. Xiong Ye was one of them.

The priest picked a few people, including Xiong Ye, and then these strong individuals began to pull out the barley and pile it all up together before taking it to the place where they made pottery.

Although there was open space in the valley, there was relatively little sunlight, and this barley just so happened to need to be dried out in the sun… The priest finally chose to have it placed where the pottery was fired up, and they had even leveled out a place for it specifically.

For the people of the tribe, it was much easier to pull up barley than to dig up earth eggs, so it wasn’t long before all the barley was set out to dry in the sun.

Xiong Ye laid out all the barley properly and was about to go do some hunting for Zhou Ji when Zhou Ji called him back, “Xiong Ye, help me bring back some of the barley.”

“Alright.” Xiong Ye agreed, then carried over a wooden barrel and started filling it with a bunch of barley stalks.

It wasn’t long before he had a whole barrel full of barley.

“Xiong Ye, is Zhou Ji going to make something delicious again?” The priest saw this scene and started to become hungry.

“I don’t know, either.” Xiong Ye looked at the priest cautiously before returning back to the cave with the barrel of barley stalks.

Zhou Ji wasn’t there when he returned to the cave, so Xiong Ye placed the wooden barrel on the ground and helplessly discovered that the cave had started to feel a little small.

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