C4 - Hunting

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Zhou Ji didn’t speak after that.

Xiong Ye felt that there should be no such animal called ‘Ji’. He thought that Zhou Ji had most likely seen that everyone else had two-character names and wanted to be the same, so he gave himself a name like ‘Zhou Ji’.

After being busy all day and moving the pieces of wood to the entrance of his cave one by one, Xiong Ye was very tired even though he was in good health. He sank into a deep sleep as soon as he lay down.

It rained the next day; a continuous drizzle.

When Xiong Ye opened the door, he was met with a face full of rain and mist and shivered.

He began wondering if he should wear animal skins on his upper body like Zhou Ji but soon rejected the idea.

It would be too much of a hassle, not to mention that he basically always hunted in animal form. Not only was he unafraid of the cold, the skins would just become a hindrance.

The cave Xiong Ye lived in faced south, which was great, but it was positioned rather high up and accessing it was somewhat inconvenient. Before he had moved in, there had only been a narrow platform at the entrance and no stairs leading up to the platform.

However, in the past few years, he had deepened the cave and widened the platform. He even chiseled out some grooves into the mountain face to make climbing up and down much easier.

Recently, the entrance to the cave was piled high with wood that made access difficult again, but Xiong Ye’s movements were dexterous, and he wasn’t concerned about it at all. In the blink of an eye, he’d already arrived at the base of the valley.

He was going to find Shi Li again.

The tribe’s hunting team went out every other day, and on days when they didn’t hunt together as a tribe, he would generally always go hunting with Shi Li.

His animal form was much heavier than Shi Li’s, and he was also more powerful, but his movements weren’t as agile as Shi Li’s animal form, so his overall fighting power wasn’t much higher.

In the past, they would combine the strengths of their animal forms by choosing a good place to wait and lie in ambush. When prey passed by, they would both leap out together with Shi Li aiming for the prey’s neck while Xiong Ye attacked from the side. As long as he could tip their prey off their feet, it would be as good as theirs.

The two of them had been hunting together for several years. They cooperated very well and were able to bring down some prey together from time to time, but Shi Li had become lazy ever since he joined the tribe and no longer had to spend all day worrying about his next meal…

This was a common problem for those who awakened lion forms. If nobody watched over him, and he was full, Shi Li could even sleep away an entire day and night.

However, Xiong Ye was different from Shi Li in that he would feel uneasy if he didn’t have any food saved up. Also… Shi Li had to support his mother and younger brother.

In their tribe, it was already pretty good for someone in Shi Li’s situation to support his mother, and they normally wouldn’t also raise their younger brother. In any case, their younger brother wouldn’t die of hunger, and beastmen who had reached his age could already go out and do some work.

However, Shi Li wasn’t like that. He treated his mother and younger brother very well and would usually rather starve himself in order to see them fed.

As a result, they required more food–Shi Li’s brother was growing and could eat more and more each passing day.

Xiong Ye arrived to the entrance of Shi Li’s cave and shouted. Yang Su came to open the door.

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