C60 - Barley

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The distance between the Little Brook Tribe and the Green Hill Tribe was smaller than the distance between the Big Bear Tribe and the Green Hill Tribe, but it still required a few days to complete the journey.

Xiong Ye understood this. He knew that it was impossible to hide from the people of the Giant Tiger Tribe, who were occupying the Green Hill Tribe’s territory, forever, but because it would still take them a few days to journey over, the time they were taking to rest right now didn’t matter much in the long run. This was why he had proposed bathing. As for catching fish… He felt a little uncomfortable seeing all those fish swimming in front of him without trying to catch them.

Only, catching fish in his human form was a little troublesome… Xiong Ye turned back into a brown bear and soon caught several fish.

The reason why the Little Brook Tribe was called the Little Brook Tribe was because their tribe was situated next to a brook. Many small fish swam here and there in the water.

The people of the Little Brook Tribe would also catch fish to eat, but most of them weren’t good at fishing. They couldn’t help but admire Xiong Ye when they saw him catch so many fish so easily.

As for Xiong Qi… Xiong Qi had come back to his senses by now and started praising him again, “Xiong Ye, the speed at which you catch fish is so fast! And you were so impressive just now! That Hu Tiao said he was going to kill you, but you ended up slapping him to death in one hit!”

Before, Xiong Qi had thought that releasing the people of the Little Brook Tribe was already enough. He hadn’t thought that Xiong Ye would actually come up with the idea of ambushing the people of the Giant Tiger Tribe and even manage to successfully take them all down in one fell swoop.

He had suffered some minor wounds in the battle earlier, but his heart felt indescribably refreshed. His lingering depression from the Giant Tiger Tribe’s unprovoked attack last time, when he had led the team to trade for salt, had also dissipated.

“Very impressive indeed.” Bao Cheng wanted to build a good relationship with Xiong Ye, so he immediately echoed Xiong Qi and complimented him as well. He even pointed to a woman and said, “Xiong Ye, this is the most beautiful woman in our tribe. She can serve you well!”

The woman that Bao Cheng was pointing to was truly very beautiful. Even though she had suffered some hardships when the Giant Tiger Tribe had taken over the Little Brook Tribe, she was still very attractive. She was standing naked in the brook, and at this moment, she straightened her chest, resulting in many of the men present being unable to move their eyes away.

However, nobody dared to try anything. This woman’s animal form was also a leopard. Earlier when they had fought with the Giant Tiger Tribe, she had been the first to rush out, biting one of them to death before they even had time to transform into their animal forms.

At the moment, she still had a wound on her chest that had been left behind from the previous battle.

“No need.” Xiong Ye said.

“Xiong Ye already has a mate.” Xiong Qi spoke up.

“Mate?” Bao Cheng was puzzled.

“Xiong Ye and Zhou Ji have formed a mated pair with the Beast God as witness. They will be together forever.” Xiong Qi explained.

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