C94 - Guerrilla Warfare

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Ma Xiao soon shared the information he had obtained about the Big Bear Tribe with Hu Tian.

From Hu Tian’s point of view, Ma Xiao’s information was much more reliable than the chaotic mess of information that he had received before.

It made sense; if the people of the Big Bear Tribe were really very strong, they should have killed off Hu Tiao and the others immediately when they met them. They wouldn’t need to pretend to run away, then come back to ambush and kill them, right?

As for taking down the Barosaurus, Mao Huo had seen very little of the entire process back then and was in fact not very clear about the specifics of the situation.

The dinosaurs they had worked so hard to gather and had wasted precious herbs on had ended up as the Big Bear Tribe’s meal. Once he realised that, Hu Tian’s mood quickly soured.

“Gather three hundred people and bring them with me to the Big Bear Tribe!” Hu Tian ordered.

“Yes!” Ma Xiao who had been suffering from diarrhea these past few days responded–there must have been a problem with that piece of smelly meat that the Big Bear Tribe had given him to eat. He had been going to the toilet so much that his chrysanthemum hurt!

The Giant Tiger Tribe had over two thousand people even if they didn’t include the slaves. Of these people, around one thousand of them had decent fighting power.

However, it was impossible for Hu Tian to bring all thousand of them with him when he went to fight against others. He needed people to stay behind and take care of the elderly and weak in the tribe, and more people were required to keep an eye on the slaves and take charge of the hunting.

Generally, he would lead several hundred elites to deal with the tribes they had set their eyes on.

Hu Tian led his people and pushed forward quickly. He had already begun to think about what he would do after he had occupied the Big Bear Tribe’s territory. And at this time, in the place where pottery was fired, someone had finally accumulated enough experience and managed to successfully create better pottery.

It was just that they were all a little ugly.

Zhou Ji was still very satisfied with this result. He turned around to leave and no longer concerned himself with pottery.

Previously, he would use his spiritual powers to keep an eye on the pottery every time it was being fired, but there was no need for that anymore… In any case, the requirements for the fire when making pottery wasn’t very high, and it would be a success regardless of whether the fire was a few hundred degrees or a thousand.

They had finished moving, and Zhou Ji no longer needed to watch over the pottery. So he was now very free and went outside to explore, bringing back some plants to plant in their yard every day.

While he was outside wandering around, Xiong Ye was at the front lines of the hunting every day.

He was doing this in order to help the tribe save up a little more food for winter, and it was also for the sake of storing up more food for himself and Zhou Ji during the winter. Also… his appetite usually grew particularly large when fall came.

As a brown bear, he was used to eating a lot in the fall and fattening himself up.

Xiong Ye’s size blew up like a balloon being filled with air.

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