Where is my daughter!?

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Tears ran down most of the people in the room's face. The two people who had been dead were confused.

"Where's my daughter?"

Dumbledore cleared his throat "I apologize Mr Potter but you and mr black have missed a lot over the time you have been gone the dark lord has returned-" James cut the man off.

"Where is my daughter!?" the man repeated but this time he shouted.

"Your daughter was killed earlier this evening. No one but Mr Potter and Diggory know what has happened." James potter felt something break apparently he had missed his children growing up his wife is gone and his daughter dead.

"Wha- no no she can't be dead." The man didn't care that he was crying; he pulled his son into a hug. Harry didn't hug back straight away but he did eventually.

Everyone had now sat down the marauders, Harry and McGonagall all had tears running down their faces.

"Mr Potter, we need to know what happened today."

"Dumbledore-" James began but was cut off.

"I understand it may be difficult but Mr Potter I need to know."

Harry began explaining what had happened he looked as if he was in a daze "The cup was a portkey it took us the the graveyard wormtail was the and voldemort was but he looked well different weak and he ordered wormtail to kill cedric and then he dragged us up to a statue and tied us too it he took our blood his followers came then he wanted to dual us and he used the crutiatus curse on nova nova jumped in front of me and got hit with a spell i couldn't stop the bleeding."

James Potter sat with his son who had been taken to the hospital wing and fell asleep until Dumbledore ordered Remus and Sirius to take him to their house along with Regulus; the headmaster wanted them to avoid any publicity for them to remain a secret.

Dumbledore stood in front of the whole school. It was the last day before summer Harry had decided to stay to be closer to his friends, his family.

"Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Nova potter was, as you all know, exceptionally hard working, intricately fair minded. And most importantly a fierce fierce friend. A girl who had a future ahead of her a girl who has saved everyone in this school more then once now. I think therefore you have the right to know exactly how she died. You see, Nova potter was murdered by lord voldemort. The ministry of magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so I think would be an insult to her memory. Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that and Nova potter will not have died in vain, you remember that. And we'll celebrate a girl who was kind and honest and brave and always managed to shed light on this school and true right to the very end." Harry made eye contact with someone who just like him was crying neither had talked much both mourning a loss but he knew as much as he was hurting so was cedric.

Harry packed up his sisters room, each belonging she owned every stolen hoodie from all her friends and Cedric even Sirius and Remus as well as sirius' leather jacket. Her quidditch gear and jersey. Harry was nearly finished packing her stuff when he came across a letter and small box the letter read to Harry it was in Nova's neat cursive handwriting.

Dear Harry,

Happy birthday or if you found this early stop reading anyway 15 yay here is a piece of magic of all of us and our family that we made throughout of lives us two have dealt with pain and happiness but we found each other by ourselves we found ron hermione the other weasley we found remus sirius we found a new home in hogwarts. our adventures will go on through the years we will always be by each other's side.

You're my best friend, my brother and my favourite dork to open the locket, wave your wand and repeat 'I solemnly swear I am up to no good.'

Love Nova lily Siri Potter. 

Harry opened the box inside was a  necklace waved his wand and repeated the words when it opened there was a picture of baby Nova and harry with their parents remus and sirius the other picture was of him ron hermione and Nova in third year harry couldn't help the tears when they began falling the locket then began playing slipping through my fingers the song their parents use to sing to them. 

Harry potters sister - Nova PotterWhere stories live. Discover now