What are you singing?

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The twins notice a body on the ground Nova begins to realize it's mr crouch.

Nova sat on her bed in the dorms flipping through a book that held photos some muggle photo some wizard ones that moved there were pictures of baby harry and nova ones from her parents along with other people like aunty Marlene Remus sirius and regulus sirius' brother she had noticed how close her father and regulus had actually been but eventually it look as if they had drifted apart.

Nova entered the great hall under her breathe she had begun singing a song 'Slipping through my fingers all the time I try to capture every minute The feeling in it Slipping through my fingers all the time'

Harry heard the same voice in his head but also a male voice. He saw the redheaded women and someone who looked like him. It was his parents who had sung this song to him when he was younger when he and Nova were only babies and hadn't had to deal with the pain of losing their parents.

"What are you singing?" Harry asked his little sister.

The girl only shrugged but then added "I keep hearing it like in my dreams over and over again i think mum and dad liked the song."

Nova then overheard some slytherin girl called pansy begin to make fun of Hermione the potter girl tried keeping her cool but once the word mudblood slipped past the slytherins lips suddenly the girl was hanging upside down by her ankle.

"Oops sorry pug face." a lot of people began laughing.

"Dont worry i'll be here for the next three years." Nova shouted to them all.

Days had passed leading up to the day of the third task Nova stared at the maze of hedges that covered the quidditch pitch in horror she turned around, "minnie l-ook what they've done, it's gone." the professor stared at the girl and rolled her eyes.

"don't worry it won't be there for long, then you can play quidditch as much as you wish."

"oh thank merlin oi ced harry you hear that it will be gone soon a game of quidditch winner gets 50 galleons!" Both boys agreed laughing at the girls antics. "You're on potter!" Cedric smirked to the girl.

Harry and Nova had just talked to Remus and Sirius who had come to watch along with Molly and Bill Weasley. Harry pulled his sister aside.

"I have a gift for you Nova." Harry pulled out a small box "here you go."

Nova opened the box inside was a necklace with a stag werewolf and dog chasing each other with mischief managed written on it.

"thank you harry i love you." the two shared a hug. "I love you too. Now I think Cedric wants to talk to you." with one last hug she walked over to her boyfriend. the couple hugged "good luck Nova." he gave her a soft smile one he saved for Nova only.

"thank you Ced i will win and rub it in your face for the rest of your life." she told him with a grin. "I don't doubt it." he wasn't lying he didn't doubt that the girl would win or the fact she would rub it in.

"I know." she gave him a wink walking of "bye love you Ced!" The Hufflepuff boy ran to catch up with her "don't leave me Nova."

"Oh don't be a big baby we'll be fine. " sirius remus harry and Nova stood with each other, each potter about to go in the maze.

"good luck pup prongslet.'' Sirius told them giving each twin a hug.

"Good look double trouble," remus told the two joining the group hug Nova was the first to pull away when she noticed draco and walked over to the boy. "hi dray." the blonde smiled "just wanted to wish you good luck." "thanks but i don't need it draco i'm too brilliant." draco just smirked and hugged the girl "sure you are." he told her walking to his seat.

Music is playing and a large crowd is gathered. The champions emerge. Dumbledore begins speaking "Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr Diggory..."

The crowd cheered on hearing his name. Dumbledore continues speaking "and both Potters tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Krum..." The Bulgarian crowd go nuts.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants, gather round."

Dumbledore To the contestants "In the maze you'll find not dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead you'll face something more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you can, but be very weary you could just lose yourselves along the way."

"Champions! Prepare yourselves." moody tells them.

Harry potters sister - Nova PotterWhere stories live. Discover now