The philosophers stone

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When Nova Woke up the first thing she noticed was she was in the same bed as last time. "thanks poppy" she grinned to the matron.

"for what miss evans?" she questioned the young girl. "I'm in my bed." the girl said as if it was the most obvious thing. "Yes you are miss Evans, but it would be nice if you stopped coming."

"nah you love me too much." Nova had only just noticed professor McGonagall and Snape by her bed. "oh hello fessors."

"morning miss evans" McGonagall gave her a small smile. "How long was I out?" she asked not caring who answered "not long miss evans it's nearly dinner time." madam pomfrey told the red head

"oh ok thank you." Nova went to get off the bed but was stopped "sorry miss evans but you need to take this potion."

"ok can i just go to the toilet first?" she asked with the intent of running away. She hated taking potions that never tasted nice.

"no miss evans you will leave and not come back." knowing the girl full well a boy she once knew would do the exact same thing to escape sitting on the exact same bed.

"no no i was gonna come back." the matron gave her a stern look " fine i was gonna leave." Nova took the potions and gulped them all down, gagging at the foul taste.

"You can go." the matron told her but Nova didn't move. "I will leave if i get some chocolate please."

"No, it's nearly dinner." the matron reminded her sternly. "Miss Evans, before you leave we have to ask you something." Snape told her.

"oh ok can i just tell you don't listen to fred and george their liars they were the ones who threw Mrs Norris to the giant squid i only distracted the centaurs."

"it's not about that miss evans though we will talk about that" he told her "who do you live with." Nova didn't know what to say . " my parents." she told them it wasn't all a lie.

"You may leave now miss evans"

a/n ok im going to skip to where they are trying to save the stone because first year was only meant to be an introduction to Nova.

They had all just got past the chess. Ron was unconscious. Hermione stayed with Ron and let Nova and Harry go.

Nova and Harry walked down the stone staircase and neither spoke until they entered the room containing only a mirror and Professor Quirrell.

"You!" Both children exclaimed Harry in shock while Nova in anger.

"No, it can't be but snape he was-" the professor cut him off. "Yes. Does seem like the type, doesn't he? But Next to him, who would suspect? poor stu- stu- stuttering professor Quirrell." "that day? During the quidditch match. You were trying to kill Harry and I, you were muttering a curse weren't you?" Nova questioned the rage evident in her voice.

"Yes, I tried to kill you and trust me. If Snape's cloak hadn't caught on fire and broken my eye contact I would have succeeded even with Snape muttering his little counter curse." the man sneered in fury.

"Snape tried to save me?" Harry asked in shock looking towards Nova who rolled her eyes at his blindness. "I knew you were a danger to me right from the off, especially after Halloween. Especially you girl." the professor sneered looking nova up and down in hate. "Then you let that troll in" Harry said aloud "can you be any more slow Harry yes he let the troll out it was never snape it was always him."

"Very good, yes? Snape, unfortunately, wasn't fooled. When everybody else was running around the dungeon. He went to the third floor, to head me off. He, of course never trusted me again. he rarely left me alone."

Harry potters sister - Nova PotterWhere stories live. Discover now